Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This risk-adverse approach is something aspiring entrepreneurs would be wise to consider. Embarking on a new venture, the uninitiated entrepreneur is often filled with wide-eyed optimism.
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Don’t Let Leaks Shipwreck Your Lead Gen Program

Don’t Let Leaks Shipwreck Your Lead Gen Program - Avatar Posted by J_a_scheer under Marketing
From 2246 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on May 18, 2018 9:23 am
Want more quality leads? Who doesn't?

But while the objective of lead gen is pretty straightforward, its execution is not. "Leaks" in your lead gen operation make it the harder it will be to bring in the quality leads you need to hit the most important goal of all: revenue. Read More
It’s very common to see a business scale to a certain point but then reach a plateau that can be very difficult to get out of. To avoid this happening in your business and to keep your momentum going, I believe that you need to keep your business flat. Read More

Ecommerce is a massive sector, with a projected value of $4.5 trillion by 2021. However, without the proper ecommerce processes in place it’s more than easy to fail before you even get close to selling your first product. Read More
Continuous process improvement methods have moved from the manufacturing floor to the office as businesses seek to improve quality, cycle time and costs across the organization. When someone says they want to streamline or speed up operations, the next thought is the need to totally revamp operatio Read More

7 Common Social Media Mistakes Brands Are Making 2018

7 Common Social Media Mistakes Brands Are Making 2018  - Avatar Posted by Dharilo under Social Media
From 2250 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on May 14, 2018 8:56 am
There are general social media mistakes we all know to avoid (like buying followers). But there are many other less obvious social media blunders to steer clear of. I've composed this list of the most common slips I've seen in my experience as a social media marketer this year. Are you making any o Read More
Company mission statements can act as strong guidelines that help promote an attitude and culture that works towards your company’s goals. Read More
Shutterstock has more than 190 million license-able images small businesses can use on websites and other marketing materials. But as the library keeps getting bigger, it is going to take longer to quickly find the images you want. To overcome this challenge, Shutterstock has launched Showcase, a n Read More
So how do you ensure that customers are set up for success from day one? There are lots of great reads out there about the “dos” of onboarding – like this one, this one and this one – but today we’re going to focus on the “don’ts.” As this thoughtful post by Business2Community explores, there are s Read More
If you are finding it hard to stay motivated, we have compiled some really good motivational books for you. Here are some of the best motivational books young entrepreneurs wish to have read before starting a business Read More

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