Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Tapfiliate is cloud-based affiliate tracking software. It enables you to create, track and optimize your affiliate marketing programs. Read More
Uber currently has drivers operating in 633 cities worldwide. From nowhere they have stormed the market and disrupted taxi services globally.
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For those who want to focus on strategic advising services, a niche practice is a great way to narrow your field of focus. Here’s how “going niche” is a great way to quickly scale your advisory services and your expertise.
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How to build a zap connecting SparkPost with Process Street to produce a high touch client onboarding experience for your sales outreach teams. Read More

Everything is Negotiable

Everything is Negotiable - Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Sales
From 2253 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on May 10, 2018 4:54 pm
In business you have to trade with other people, which involves negotiating. Therefore, it is important that you learn the proper principles of negotiation, in order to get the best possible outcome for your organisation. Read More
In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Stone Temple’s Eric Enge explains why understanding user intent is the first important step toward figuring out which keywords your site might actually be able to rank for. Read More

Is the Age of Social Media as We Know It Over?

Is the Age of Social Media as We Know It Over? - Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Social Media
From 2254 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on May 11, 2018 8:22 am
I sat there in amazement.

I had created an account and logged in.

The result was not what I expected.

The screen had filled with people I hadn’t seen in 20-30 years. Read More
A study conducted by Process Street in collaboration with PersistIQ, examined the emails and voicemails sent by some of the world’s most successful SaaS companies to learn more about their sales cycles. Read how they chase their leads.
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Takt Time: How Ford Learned to Make WWII Bombers 24x Faster

Takt Time: How Ford Learned to Make WWII Bombers 24x Faster  - Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Strategy
From 2254 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on May 11, 2018 8:58 am
Takt time is the pulse of your operations – the rhythm and rate by which tasks and products are completed. By monitoring and setting guidelines for this single figure, Ford (and company) was able to build a facility which could produce the same as half of the entire German aircraft industry. Read More
Learn how you can leverage your brand’s promoters to draw more quality leads via referral marketing.
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