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Why No One Is Reading Your Blog Post

Why No One Is Reading Your Blog Post  - Avatar Posted by Dan_Swords under Online Marketing
From 2237 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on May 23, 2018 2:40 pm
Let’s face it. You are not the only blogger out there. And neither am I. Every day there is a ton of content being written and honestly, most of it is duplicate content. With all that new content, how can you get your reader interested in your post? Read More
How can you improve your health? Well, you can do that by eating good food, engaging in physical exercises and by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Besides the physical aspects of well-being, the mental or psychological factors also impact your health. Read how charity can help you attain peace of mind Read More
Make your customers happy, and keep them paying the subscription. This guide will teach you how to stop users abandoning your software before they’ve seen how awesome it is. Read More
Telegram is a great home for customer-facing bots, with over 200,000,000 active monthly users and an annual growth rate of 50%. It’s a platform that your audience might already use, which reduces friction and encourages adoption. Plus, making bots for Telegram is super easy — the easiest bot creati Read More
In this episode, I interview Gini Dietrich, a crisis management professional. She’s the founder and CEO of Spin Sucks, a site that helps businesses thrive with their public online communications. She also hosts the brand-new Spin Sucks podcast. Read More

All Natural Ways To Boost Your Productivity

All Natural Ways To Boost Your Productivity  - Avatar Posted by SPCowan under Self-Development
From 2240 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on May 22, 2018 9:05 am
There are several ways you can boost productivity naturally, be it through exercise or essential oils, check out our guide for more tips. Read More
According to a study done by Cornell University, sitting continuously for more than 1 hour induces biochemical changes in the body which lead to deposition of fat in the adipose tissue. Due to lack of movement, our muscles fail to metabolize this fat, thus, leading to weight gain and eventually, ob Read More
Guidance for Preparing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), provides a standardized working tool that can be used to document routine quality system management. Follow along with these simple tips to help you achieve quality standard operating procedure records. Read More
Remote work is one of the greatest freedoms of the internet age, but it also comes with a unique set of problems. Collaboration gets harder, relationship-building isn’t as natural as it could be, and remembering to change out of your pajamas before rolling into the ‘office’ is something you only gr Read More
There's nothing more annoying than when a mistake is made in business that could have easily been avoided.However, when your employees make the mistakes, take precautions before calling them to task. Read More

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