MMarquit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You know that your credit score is based on information in your credit history. However, few people wonder how it gets there. Your credit report reflects what others report about you. So be good Read More
If you run a network of sites, you are probably struggling on the same issue: Web business management. Which route you prefer? Outsourcing or automation Read More
Setting up an internship program for your small business is a smart and rewarding way to recruit talent. It’s also a proven way to nurture potential full time employees. But how do you go about recruiting interns? Here are six tips to help guide you through the recruitment, management and regulatory side of setting up an internship progra Read More

Advice From A Social Media Groupie

Advice From A Social Media Groupie - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5124 days ago
Made Hot by: ILForums on June 16, 2010 6:26 am
Whether it's here at BizSugar or on any other social media community, commitment is key and passionate users will always get more out of the experience. Just ask our own BizSugar "groupie" Heidi Kalman whose great posts inspired this one Read More
Part of a salesperson's job is to explain things. You might need to explain how a particular feature of your product works, or why the customer's shipment of the product has been delayed, or why your return policy is what it is.

But some salespeople can be notoriously poor at explaining things well.

A good "explainer" add Read More
Can You Promise To Be Consistent? The top online content creators have something in common: Consistency. Can you make the same promise Read More
About a month ago, I switched my email newsletter provider from MailChimp to Aweber so I thought I'd talk about my experiences with the 2 services Read More
In a bid to improve customer service in its Cadillac showrooms, General Motors is turning for help from one of the world’s top outfits for making patrons happy — Ritz-Carlton. Smart move. Ritz-Carlton is known for exceptional customer service that inspires loyalty. That we all could be coached by them. Read More
Business-blogging is the best way to market a business! But what about "burnout?" What about writer's-block?

It's time to put the FUN back in it! Here are some biz-blogging and marketing lessons from "The Dead! Read More

10 Secrets to Blogging for Sales

10 Secrets to Blogging for Sales  - Avatar Posted by billrice under Online Marketing
From 5125 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on June 18, 2010 2:40 am
One of the hottest topics in the sales community right now is lead generation. Not just the big marketing programs that your company runs (and you rarely get any good leads from), but personal lead generation. Marketing efforts that you can start, manage, and see results from without any significant investment of time or money Read More

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