MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The security of the data in your cloud is vital for companies. Being hacked can have serious consequences for a company. How secure is your cloud? Read More
It’s that time of the year again and fall is around the corner. Students need apparel, computers, school supplies, and more. Lucky for them, you've got ‘em covered. But how do you keep them from becoming a dreaded cart abandonment case? By implementing effective pricing strategies, of course! Read Read More

Content Strategy In A Post Panda World

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Online Marketing
From 3621 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on November 5, 2014 10:36 am
By Hannah Corbett

In short, the Panda update penalises sites with duplicate, thin or otherwise low quality content – high quality is always favoured in the content world. So, in order to live in peace with Panda, all you have to do is avoid producing low quality content. Simple, right? Unfortuna Read More
While running a business with a loved one sounds like a dream come true, it takes teamwork to make the dream work on a realistic basis. Here are some things to consider before you commit to partnership. Read More
This post is written specifically for my sister, who sweetly said that she wants to be just like me. I’m not entirely sure if this post will convince her one way or the other. Read More
I haven’t seen anything like this out there for me to follow, so I figured this little mini-series might be helpful to other founders in a similar position.

I should say, this is by no means the definitive way to do things. Mind you, this was my first SaaS product launch. Read More
I haven’t seen anything like this out there for me to follow, so I figured this little mini-series might be helpful to other founders in a similar position.

I should say, this is by no means the definitive way to do things. Mind you, this was my first SaaS product launch. Read More
Introduced in May of 2012, the Google Knowledge Graph is a proprietary system that attempts to understand information on the Web in order to identify and connect facts about people, places, and things. Put simply, it’s a machine that tries to think like a human when it encounters facts on [...] Read More
Often called engagement, live or participation marketing, experiential marketing is a strategy that directly engages the customer and invites to actively participate with the product or service to increase awareness of your brand. Read More

Entrepreneurs Thrive On The Learning Curve

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3622 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on November 5, 2014 11:18 am
In today’s fast moving world of business startups, learning trumps knowing every time. What established businesses know through experience keeps them from looking for the new and innovative ways to do what they do better, cheaper, and faster. I’m convinced that’s why most mature companies are slowi Read More

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