NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Mobile advertising is a great way to get the attention of people who are searching for your products or services—at the very point when they’re ready to buy. Because mobile has the power to help you find more customers, it’s important to consider its potential for your business. Read More
What are the top customer service complaints consumers have about retail stores? Overwhelmingly, rudeness was the biggest turn-off for shoppers in a survey of more than 6,000 consumers done for STORES by Prosper Technologies. (In STORES’ last survey on the topic five years ago, understaffed stores Read More
There’s a surprising bright spot in the U.S. small business economy: Small and midsized manufacturers are growing, according to the results of’s latest Industry Market Barometer® (IMB) survey. The poll of more than 1,600 U.S. manufacturers assessed the companies’ 2011 performance, gro Read More
Own every lead that comes your way. After all, they’re yours to lose! Whether it’s a phone call, email, website form submission, or patron who walks through your business door, be aware that customers shop around to find the best service provider. Make sure they know it’s you. Read More
Using Facebook for a B2B (business-to-business) operation can be rather tricky. For one thing, your potential clients may not think to use Facebook for business. For another, they may work for organizations where access to most social media is blocked. So having a Facebook business page for a B2B c Read More
Is your small business marketing to black consumers? If so, a new Nielsen study offers some valuable information about how black Americans use the Internet, mobile devices, and video both online and on TV. Here’s some of what they found:
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Google’s recent announcement about their plans to convert Google Shopping from a free comparison shopping engine (CSE) to a paid service has created concern and confusion among many eCommerce merchants. While the initial reactions have been mixed, there’s definitely an opportunity for small busines Read More
Check out this week’s Friday Roundup for tips and ideas to help grow your business, such as getting started with mobile marketing and planning your strategy for creating an infographic.
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If you’re a social media user, even a casual one, you have no doubt heard of Google+ (pronounced Google Plus). If you haven’t, it’s basically a social network that was supposed to compete with Facebook. It hasn’t, because nothing in the foreseeable future is going to replace Facebook, but Google+ i Read More
There isn’t a business in the world that shouldn’t be present in some manner online, therefore, whether you run a gas station, offer doll repair services out of your basement, sell quilts on a site like Etsy and at local craft fairs, or have a restaurant catering to college students with the late-n Read More

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