SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Convincing someone to buy your product is the hardest thing to do in business. There is a right and wrong way to do it. Step one: Read this article. Read More
New entrepreneurs who want to survive, and optimize the growth of their startups, need to think globally, and act locally, from day one. This approach, popularly known as “glocalization,” means you have to design and deliver global solutions that have total relevance to every local market in which Read More
A few weeks ago I talked about the 3 C’s of my blogging success, and in that post I listed Blog Engage as the top community for bloggers to join, and I also discussed the importance of making connections and Read More

Does Gender Matter In Business Leadership?

Avatar Posted by 3keyscoach under Management
From 4788 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on August 22, 2011 4:49 am
It is so easy to polarize the topic of gender and leadership. We could go there. But what are we really talking about? Humans do seem to have a penchant for creating dichotomies where... Read More

Self Employment Challenges: Getting Paid

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From 4788 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on August 19, 2011 8:27 pm
One of the biggest worries as someone who is self employed has to do with getting paid. When you are self-employed, you are essentially providing a service or a product up front, with no real surety that you will receive what you are entitled to. Read More

5 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Strategy
From 4788 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on August 22, 2011 2:18 pm
One of the best ways to make money is to work for yourself as an entrepreneur. It’s challenging, though, to stay productive – especially when you have to motivate yourself to get things done for your business. Here are 5 productivity tips. Read More
Learn more about the content curation tools that are currently available online. These tools not only help you collect content, but they also allow you to present what is found in many different ways. Read More
If you are one of the many people who lost your job during the recent depression, you should be working on starting your own business, in parallel with looking for that ideal replacement job. Let me explain why this is a win-win deal, no matter what the outcome. Read More
What do you do when your steady source of income suddenly disappears? That's a question many businesses are having to ask themselves these days. These suggestions can help you land on your feet when times get lean.

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Are you using social media tools like Facebook and Twitter to market your business? Are you concerned about what’s being said about your company, your products and your services online? Even if your business is not actively involved in social media as a promotional tool, word can be spreading about Read More

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