ScottDudley voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Which of the following quotes do you think is more realistic for the average online marketer? a) Getting 50 leads from traffic source b) 50 ways to get one lead Read More
Empire Avenue is a social game, where you can buy shares investing on people, whose values will depend and change based on their interaction with other users.

Officially existing since more than 3 years, it was founded on February 2010, available in a closed beta and launched for everyone on Jul Read More
This white paper is for marketing executives who want to understand the risks and consequences associated with not fully embracing the web.

As marketing leaders are being asked to produce more measurable results with shrunken budgets and tightened margins
they must commit to fully investing in Read More
Page Impressions, Pageviews, Unique Visits and Hits are four important expressions in web language that are often misunderstood by many users. I think as bloggers, we need a perfect understanding of these terms as there are often required when it comes to ... Read More
Large consumer giants like Coke and Unilever are switching up their digital strategy again. According to a recent article from New Media Age,

Coca-Cola and Unilever are shifting their digital focus away from traditional campaign sites and towards community platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube Read More
Marketing Professionals are trying to size up and evaluate every potentially relevant new marketing channel the web produces. The purpose of this blog is to help marketing professionals cut to heart of what they need to know about Google Buzz. Read More
And all this can start when you have the right and solid online business model that has the capacity to last the test of time. As online business model centers on a website, it is the website that can make or break you.
Read More

How to choose right content while sending an e-mail?

How to choose right content while sending an e-mail? - Avatar Posted by nschopra under Online Marketing
From 4017 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on July 3, 2013 2:11 pm
Are you try to get success in Email marketing? Then learn How to choose the right content while sending an e-mail to your readers/ subscribers. Read More
I had a client last week that sent me the following message: I was expecting, it re-written to a higher standard than what i have achieved as I'm not a copywriter, if someone hired me to clean a toilet, they don't show me how to do it, i walk in and show them how it's done, can tell them why it's d Read More
One of the great things about living where I do is the peace and quiet. Twelve months ago I was living very close to the city centre of Perth, and if I could describe it in one word it would be: Read More

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