StepByStepMarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Myths About Sales and the Realities Behind Them

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Sales
From 5597 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 1, 2009 2:16 am
When a great product or service isn't selling, the salesperson is probably to blame, right? Actually, that's nothing but a myth, one of many that plague the sales profession. Martyn Lewis, author of the acclaimed book "Sales Wise," shares five other myths about sales, and the realities behind what creates truly effective sales lead generation Read More

The Secrets to Boosting Your Brand Identity

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Marketing
From 5600 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 31, 2009 1:39 am
These days, it's not enough for a small business to rely on the products and services it offers and the prices it charges. Having a strong brand identity lends credibility in a crowded marketplace and gives a company a personality beyond the people who work there. Here's what you need to know about brand identity development. Read More
No matter what business you're in, at some point in your career you will have to deal with an angry customer. Your challenge is to handle the situation and send the customer away thinking he or she has just done business with the greatest company on earth. Here's a six-step process to quickly resolve a customer complaint. Read More

5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Strategy
From 5603 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 25, 2009 12:22 pm
No doubt, the economy is facing some serious challenges, but now is not the time for owners of small businesses to develop a recession mind-set. In fact, it's the perfect time to attract new customers while everyone else is expecting the worst. Here's how to recession-proof your business. Read More

4-Step Plan to Build Stronger Customer Relationships

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Marketing
From 5604 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 24, 2009 2:57 pm
If you want something to grow, you must feed and care for it. The same rule applies to building stronger customer relationships. By offering a nuturing atmosphere both online and off, a small business can quickly build a community of devoted followers. Here's a four-step plan for growing the seed of a single interaction into a healthy, fruitful c Read More

4 Secrets to Boost an Integrated Online Marketing Strategy

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Online Marketing
From 5607 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 22, 2009 11:57 pm
Juggling several online marketing tactics simultaneously is no small task. Less organized professionals might find it downright impossible. But the benefits of a well-executed integrated online marketing strategy far outweigh the effort involved, especially in a tough economy. Here are four cost-effective tactics to get your media working together Read More

How to Attract Single Consumers

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Sales
From 5611 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 19, 2009 12:36 pm
The number of one-person households worldwide is forecast to reach 253.8 million by 2020, making it the fastest-growing household group. The challenge for marketers is targeting an audience that covers such a wide range of ages. Here are the five key needs of single consumers that a business must take into consideration when marketing a product or Read More
When it comes to redesigning a Web site, the most common mistake businesses make is starting out without a clear set of goals, says Marc S. Levitt, principal and creative director at MSLK Inc. ( Most sites are rebranded for purely cosmetic reasons, overlooking the more crucial content, navigational, and marketing challenges that lie Read More

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