WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here are 7 reasons for businesses to create a Posterous blog for different social media marketing tactics. There's more to Posterous than the ease of publishing photos. Read More

A letter to Santa Claus for Entrepreneurs And Grown-Ups Everywhere

A letter to Santa Claus for Entrepreneurs And Grown-Ups Everywhere - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by JanetG under Self-Development
From http://bloggertone.com 5307 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on December 22, 2009 11:43 pm
If you feel beaten down this year, as if you lost your enthusiasm and positive can-do attitude, read this "letter to Santa." This is a deceptively simple article that every entrepreneur, and in fact, every grown up, should read. It may just help you regain your positive attitude so you can go out and kick butt .... Read More

Top 5 Ways Social Media Impacted My Blogging in 2009

Top 5 Ways Social Media Impacted My Blogging in 2009 - http://www.web.com Avatar Posted by webdotcom under Social Media
From http://www.web.com 5307 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on December 22, 2009 7:32 pm
For Donna Talarico, an eCommerce professional, social media improved her blogging in terms of content, search engine optimization, and readership. Check out the top 5 reasons why. Read More

5 Year-End Tax Strategies for Small Businesses

5 Year-End Tax Strategies for Small Businesses - http://www.smartmoney.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From http://www.smartmoney.com 5307 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 26, 2009 8:12 pm
As the end of 2009 approaches, it's important to think about strategies for tax preparation in the coming year. SmartMoney has some ideas for you, though not all of them are applicable to every small business. Here, in a nutshell, are the big ones but feel free to add any you think we missed in the comment section. A growing resource on how to make last minute tax adjustments as the year closes c Read More
When learning how to find small business legal advice online, the first and most important step may be to realize that just like searching for a lawyer in the real world, care must be taken to make sure the information you get is correct. In this article from SmallBusinessComputing.com you can read about your options when seeking legal help on the Internet, but remember that the best advice is us Read More
If you want to learn how to insure your small business, read this article from Entrepreneur.com. A big part of choosing the right insurance for your business is properly assessing your need. Be sure you understand the potential difficulties your business may face and how to protect against them in the best way possible. Read More
With 2009 coming to a close, we look ahead to what we can expect and should plan for in 2010.  Here is my list of the top ten trends founders, CEOs, and entrepreneurs need to consider as they prepare for the new year! Read More
Explaining to a client that they’re wrong is never easy. It could blow up in your face and damage what was a good relationship. But everyone is wrong sometimes, and clients are no different. Sometimes you just know that what a client is requesting is wrong and that you have to find a way to tell them. But how? Read More
Trade shows work. This form of marketing has been around from the time when mankind separated into hunters, farmers, fisherman and a host of other trades. Even in today’s high-tech world, the face-to-face contact made at trade shows trumps nearly every other form of marketing as an efficient way to introduce a business and products to new customers. Read More
Many pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers are wondering what trends they can expect to see in 2010. Check out these five trends. Read More

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