WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Top Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

Top Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing - http://www.blogtrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Social Media
From http://www.blogtrepreneur.com 5300 days ago
Made Hot by: nialldevitt on December 29, 2009 11:42 am
Social media marketing does not have to be rocket science. Many people make it more complicated than it is and tend to shy away from it. They know that they should engage, but still fundamentally do not understand the intricacies and as such, they are missing out on a whole new way of communicating with their clients and would-be prospects. Read More
We’ve been talking about the coming of mobile marketing for a long time now. I remember talking about it when I was doing work for one of first PCS carriers, Aerial Communications (now owned by T-Mobile), back in 1995 of so.mobile version of blog

Mobile marketing has taken far longer to evolve than people imagined, but I believe we are on the doorstep of an evolution in marketing that will riv Read More
World-renown coffee chain, Starbucks, is launching a new loyalty program for 2010. Starbucks has struggled to maintain loyalty programs in the recent past, due to customer groups and their continued efforts to try and bend the rules to their favor. Read More

7 Sensational SEO Tips for E-Commerce Sites

7 Sensational SEO Tips for E-Commerce Sites - http://econsultancy.com Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Online Marketing
From http://econsultancy.com 5300 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on December 29, 2009 9:42 am
Sales-based sites are where SEO really comes into its own in terms of return on investment, and it literally is the case that even the smallest tweaks can result in real increases in revenue. So here are seven ways to help transactional e-commerce sites boost their search rankings... Read More

30 Topic Ideas for Your Online Store’s Blog

30 Topic Ideas for Your Online Store’s Blog - http://www.doubleplus.com Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Social Media
From http://www.doubleplus.com 5300 days ago
Made Hot by: seanharper on January 2, 2010 5:29 pm
Personal blogging is pretty easy; business blogging is tougher. Making it interesting, tying your posts into your product line, and achieving the right voice are a challenge for even the most professional writer. These worries often lead to massive writers block. Here are 30 ideas for topics you may have never considered including on your online store's blog. Read More

How To Reengage Stalled Prospects

How To Reengage Stalled Prospects - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5300 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on December 31, 2009 12:27 am
One of the biggest challenges salespeople face is reengaging stalled prospects. There are many reasons that deals stall, but they can be boiled down to two primary reasons: no planned objective for the sales call and/or not enough value created during the sales call. This post covers three ways you can reengage a stalled prospect. Read More

Five Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Small Business

Five Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Small Business - http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com 5301 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 29, 2009 8:39 am
From the Cloud Computing Journal, here are five ways cloud computing can benefit your large or small business. Of course, a big part of the equation will be the amount you save in deploying new software, tools and features versus the amount of these features you are able to take advantage of while operating your core business. Certainly, it will also depend on how many systems you need and how of Read More
Find out why (some) old school marketing tips still work in the age of digital marketing. The key? Persistence, and knowing when to keep going and knowing when to quit. Read More

10 Traits that Suggest a Sales Career Might Be Right for You

10 Traits that Suggest a Sales Career Might Be Right for You - http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com 5301 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 31, 2009 4:20 pm
Do you have these ten traits? Maybe a sales career should be in your future. This list will help you decide if selling is right for you. Read More

White Paper Predictions for 2010

White Paper Predictions for 2010 - http://www.whitepapercompany.com Avatar Posted by WhitePaperPundit under Online Marketing
From http://www.whitepapercompany.com 5302 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2009 10:00 am
Well another year has come and gone and we await the start of both a new year and a new decade. It’s amazing how fast the last one has passed. They say the older you get the faster that time passes you by. So far that old saying seems to be coming true.

The commercial white paper medium has seen its share of changes in this past year, mostly due to the advent and growth of Social Media. This c Read More

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