WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 7, is finally available for purchase and--amen--actually good enough to make even holdouts still clinging desperately to Windows XP want to upgrade after all these years. Debating taking the plunge? Here are 10 reasons why you'll inevitably want to earmark room for it in your IT budget. Read More

Demystifying Legalese in Business Contracts, Part I

Demystifying Legalese in Business Contracts, Part I - http://www.businessweek.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From http://www.businessweek.com 5297 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on January 4, 2010 10:55 am
This is part 1 of a series by Jonathan I. Ezor, a guest blogger at The New Entrepreneur at Business Week designed to unravel the secret language of attorneys for perspective entrepreneurs and business owners. The premise, of course, is that whether or not a small business owner has hired an attorney to deal with these things he/she ought to at least understand this stuff. While there is no shorta Read More
January is usually a month filled with hope. For some, it's also filled with fantasies of unshackling themselves from their corporate desks, and becoming their own bosses. Although only a small percentage of people actually have the courage to take... Read More

25 Legal Tips for Small Business in 25 Minutes

25 Legal Tips for Small Business in 25 Minutes - http://www.sbtv.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From http://www.sbtv.com 5297 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherharper on January 4, 2010 10:58 am
A panel of attorney's discuss a wide range of small business legal issues from power of attorney to contracts at a meeting of the board of the National Association of Women Business Owners. This video from Small Business Television claims to include 25 small business legal tips within 25 minutes and honestly I didn't count that carefully. Also there is some exchange with the audience including qu Read More
In an earlier link I mentioned Ashton Kutcher and his business model for social media as a blueprint for small business on the Web. In a followup, Fast Company posted the following story about Kutcher's Katalyst Media and how it is now adding live video promoted by Twitter and Facebook to a growing army of followers. The idea from the perspective of small business could be a very easy way of usin Read More

Build a Social Media Business Like Ashton Kutcher

Build a Social Media Business Like Ashton Kutcher - http://www.fastcompany.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From http://www.fastcompany.com 5298 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on January 5, 2010 3:44 pm
Ashton Kutcher, Mr. big time TV star and still one of the most famous Twitter users on Earth because of the huge number of followers he's amassed not to mention friends on Facebook, is building a social media business of a very different kind. While waiting around to see 'Avatar' over the New Years holiday, I happened to pick up a copy of Fast Company with the following article. What's amazing fo Read More
Now that the aughts are behind us, we can start the new decade with a bang. So many new technologies are ready to make a big impact this year. Some of them will be brand new, but many have been gestating and are now ready to hatch. Below is my list of the ten technologies that will leave the biggest marks on 2010. Read More
This small business guide to online tools from Gerry Blackwell at Small Business Computing covers a variety of collaboration tools small entrepreneurs can take advantage of almost immediately. they run the gamut of high tech functions from video and audio to e-mail collaboration and all points in between. So make a New Year's resolution to test drive some of these new tools if you haven't done so Read More
The numbers show that companies will invest more resources into social media in 2010 as a way to market themselves and find new customers. And that trend Read More

small business georgetown coThis past year brands large and small rushed head on into social media marketing. They had to learn about all things Twitter, hire social media consultants and create special social media metrics and budgets. Now that hype surrounding the next new thing has settled a bit, businesses are coming around to the understanding that social media isn’t a department or separa Read More

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