WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Tax expert Tom Choisnet talks about deducting your small business home office and discusses some of the considerations in this video from eHow. The deduction requires adequate record keeping and should allow small business owners to deduct a portion of the cost for upkeep of their home so long as the home office remains the primary place of business. Depreciation is also possible for the home off Read More
Right now, hiring an attorney for your small business startup may be the furthest thing from your mind. After all, why hire an attorney when you haven't made any money yet and you're just starting out? But according to this video on LawInfo, hiring an attorney at the outset when starting your company can cost less than you might think and save you from costly mistakes early on. It's quite amazing Read More
As we begin the new decade in just the next few days, take stock of your marketing efforts and pull together your 2010 plans with this marketing checklist. What will need your attention in the New Year? Read More

Lessons Learned after One Year on Twitter

Lessons Learned after One Year on Twitter - http://www.cfowise.com Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Social Media
From http://www.cfowise.com 5302 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on December 28, 2009 9:01 am
Interesting perspectives from 12 months of "Twittering." Building trust-based relationships remains the key! Read More
In a previous post, we mentioned how a great free tool called Hootsuite can help you manage social media, specifically Twitter with a variety of features including scheduling your tweets. Now we look at a simple overview that will have to scheduling tweets and increasing productivity for your social marketing campaign in minutes...literally! Take a look at the article (with step by step instructi Read More
I recently had the opportunity to start using Hootsuite for small business and was amazed by the speed and functionality of this marvelous tool. Hootsuite allows you to schedule tweets ahead of time and monitor what others are tweeting about you. Check out this comprehensive post at The Central Desktop Blog for more details on how this tool works and how you can use it to improve the productivity Read More

6 Weeks to a Better Bottom Line

6 Weeks to a Better Bottom Line - http://www.entrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Strategy
From http://www.entrepreneur.com 5303 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2009 6:46 am
It's time to shape up your business, and our expert plan will show you the way. Think of them as your personal trainers and set aside the next six weeks to exercise their principles. You'll build business muscle, lose resource-draining fat and speed up growth. But first, you'll have to step in front of the mirror and face those flabby, underperforming areas. Read More

Six Small Business Legal Problems And How To Avoid Them

Six Small Business Legal Problems And How To Avoid Them - http://www.nfib.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From http://www.nfib.com 5304 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on December 28, 2009 8:29 am
The National Federation of Business has created a great resource of legal tips for small business on their Website and this is just a sampling. These legal problems are things that every small business, to a greater or lesser degree, may someday face. But some also involve problems that can be fairly easily avoided. At list of these potential legal problems and precautions to avoid them can be a Read More

How to make yourself the de facto leader on any project

How to make yourself the de facto leader on any project - http://cuberules.com Avatar Posted by michaelmartine under Management
From http://cuberules.com 5304 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2009 6:46 am
Leadership isn't about your title, it is about what you do in the workplace. Here are five steps to become the de facto leader on any project. Read More
Choosing between an S Corp and LLC for your small business can be an important early business decision. Karen J. Lange of The Company Corporation helps simplify the issue in this helpful article posted at the National Federation of Independent Business Website, a great source for numerous legal tips small business owners may find helpful. Membership is necessary to view some but not all content o Read More

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