WayneLiew voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In an end of the year prediction post I wrote for OPEN Forum, I listed location aware social media tools as something that would get big time attention in 2010. (See: 5 Trends that Will Shape Small Business in 2010)

foursquare for businessThe idea behind location awareness is that people will use the GPS capabilities in today’s mobile devices to check-in, tweet, review, and refer and add the Read More

4 Signs Your Business Partnership will Fail | CFOwise

4 Signs Your Business Partnership will Fail | CFOwise - http://www.cfowise.com Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Startups
From http://www.cfowise.com 5295 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 6:29 pm
Business partnerships are one of the most unique and trying relationships we will ever enter.  Some work, but most fail.  Here are some of the common signs that your partnership may be headed the wrong direction. Read More

Video Search Optimization Tips from Aaron Wall of SEOBook

Avatar Posted by smallbiztrends under Online Marketing
From http://www.youtube.com 5295 days ago
Made Hot by: JohnH on January 5, 2010 12:01 pm
In this video Aaron Wall, search expert extraordinaire, gives very practical tips for optimizing for video search. For instance, he suggests first posting a video to your own site before posting Read More

RISE #1: 5 Steps To Generating Buzz From Bloggers

RISE #1: 5 Steps To Generating Buzz From Bloggers - http://blog.therisetothetop.com Avatar Posted by therisetothetop under Marketing
From http://blog.therisetothetop.com 5295 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 2:24 pm
5 Steps To Generate Buzz From Bloggers. How to tap into the world of online influencers and content creators. From "RISE" with David Siteman Garland. The #1 non-boring resource for marketing like an entrepreneur. Smarter, faster, cheaper. Read More

Only 38% of Small Businesses Have a Website

Only 38% of Small Businesses Have a Website - http://thebestdamnconsultant.com Avatar Posted by justanbrandt under Marketing
From http://thebestdamnconsultant.com 5296 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 2:27 pm
Recently I read an article entitled “Small Businesses Step Up Online” by eMarketer, and was surprised to discover
Only 38% of small businesses polled had a company Website, but one-third of respondents said they would if they had more time and money to spend on it. Read More

Mistakes of Ignorance and Ineptitude

Mistakes of Ignorance and Ineptitude - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5296 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherharper on January 5, 2010 6:34 am
Sales has changed radically over the past decades. We are less ignorant about what it takes to succeed and how to create value for our clients. Many of the mistakes we now make are mistakes of ineptitude. We don’t take actions we know are necessary. Read More
Among all the other rituals of the season, the New Year brings with it the season of goal setting, both organizational and personal.  For individual sales professionals, I have always believed that goals are only half the story, a means of executing is the other. Read More

20 Small Business Tips, For Success

20 Small Business Tips, For Success - http://www.qondio.com Avatar Posted by TomBirches under Marketing
From http://www.qondio.com 5296 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 2:34 pm
In this article you can read basic information on how to manage your business. These are just some general tips to keep in mind as you design/operate your small business. Read More
It’s that time of year again. The time when we reflect on the past 365 days, examine our accomplishments and shortcomings, and then determine how THIS year we will make things better. For freelancers, this season is no different. In fact, running your own freelance business requires the end of the year assessment. I would suggest it even requires self-evaluation much more often than annually. Read More
It has never been easier to start a business ever before. Especially if you can build something online, software or services you can keep your investments low. Or not, I should know about this as I had my own bootstrapped company back in the days which I exited 2008. So let me say what I have learned, it might help you. Read More

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