Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

7 Best Shared Hosting Services Compared

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Technology
From 1105 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on September 28, 2021 12:23 pm
Looking for the best shared web hosting to power your website? We're comparing the best shared hosting services in this article, so you can... Read More

Why Using a Personal Cell Phone, at Your Employer’s Request, Is Good

Avatar Posted by pvariel under Global
From 1106 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on September 23, 2021 8:43 am
For many people, the line between their personal and work lives becomes blurry at times throughout their careers.

Why Using a Personal Cell Phone, at Your Employer's Request, Is a Good Thing

One of the most common ethical issues that people face today is whether it is ok to use their personal Read More

How to deal with difficult clients?

Avatar Posted by ben_london under Strategy
From 1106 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on September 23, 2021 9:58 am
Difficult clients can take many shapes and they're something that everyone has come across at least once in their career. They're the people that can make you judge your sanity, probe your patience, and leave you burned out and without motivation. They’re like a needy partner, a toxic relationship Read More
Wondering how to leverage LinkedIn automation tools? Read on! We’ll walk you through 6 great LinkedIn automation tools. Read More
Facebook is launching new tools for businesses to help generate more leads and connect with customers on more platforms. Read More

A People-Person’s Professional Pocket Guide: Choose Your Career Path

Avatar Posted by harleenas under Management
From 1106 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on September 24, 2021 11:24 am
Are you an extrovert? If you have a people-person personality, then go for a career path that complements your social nature. Take a look at these people-person-friendly careers.

More on the blog. :) Read More
At our last group huddle, our team offered tips that covered a range of topics, including marketing, leadership, and health and wellness. I enjoyed the variety of ideas and would like to share a few of my favorites with you! Read More
“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”
― Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Can you really think yourself to richness? On the surface, it sounds like an impossible idea. Read More

DIY Product Photo Editing Best Tips To Do It Quick

Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Products and Services
From 1110 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on September 21, 2021 6:18 am
Struggling with good product photos for you online store? These DIY product photo editing tips will streamline your business. Read More

3 Reasons Why Video Is The Future Of Content Marketing

Avatar Posted by pvariel under Online Marketing
From 1110 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on September 20, 2021 5:07 am
Whether it’s a funny clip on Instagram, a short intro clip in an email, or a video wrap-up from a networking event, video content is one of the most effective ways of capturing and engaging your audience.

From higher rates of information retention to getting more information across in a short sp Read More

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