Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The FUD level coming out of Google is reaching a crescendo. Really at the end of the day it is just more Google bull.

You need links to rank, great content just doesn't do it. Read More
Trying to change customers' behavior so they'll use your product is a recipe for failure. Here are missteps to avoid. Read More

5 Famous Home Improvement Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on August 9, 2013 11:40 pm
The home improvement industry is filled with entrepreneurs who have revolutionized the way that people work around the house. Here are five infamous ones. Read More
Breathe new life into your email newsletter. Most providers can offer technical advice, but check out these 11 steps to adjust the strategy behind your newsletter. Read More

10 Companies with the Largest Piles of Cash on Hand 

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Finance
From 4071 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on August 6, 2013 8:39 am
Looking at the cash balances of some of the top corporations in the world it can be astounding to find out what the real amount of money that companies are sitting on. Some companies in fact have so much money on hand that they surpass the annual economic activity of some countries. Here are the to Read More
Whatever you try to do in life that involves other people will entail some kind of compromise. To get exactly what you want is seldom possible, not even for dictators. Read More
The sad truth is that cash flow surprises kill many startups, even though they should have been adequately funded to survive. Overall, 90% of small business failures are caused by poor cash flow, according to the D&B Small Business website. Cash is king when it comes to the financial management of Read More
SEO overall has changed drastically within the last few years. A fear of Pandas and Penguins has forced website owners and SEOs to re-evaluate their strategies for attempting to rank well in the search engines. Read More
Being a B2B business owner myself, I understand first-hand what it takes to create, launch, and maintain a successful B2B SEO campaign. And even though I’ve been in the SEO industry for over 13 years I still don’t “know it all,” simply because SEO is still a very young industry and tactics ... Read More
On Tuesday, I was fortunate enough to catch up with Dave Kelly about his decision to leave his job, friends and family on the east coast and pursue new opportunities in San Diego. Read More

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