Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

CircleCount is a free tool that you can use to monitor Google+ reach, activity and engagement. This article walks you through how to get started and how to use the various reports. Read More
So, whenever I hear someone write about how QRs stink, or are a waste, or even how they are already obsolete, I just shake my head. I check out the writer’s company and make a note to never deal with that person or company.
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My clients come to me because they want to make more money in their business. Some come when they’re “busy and broke.” Others come when they’re ready for some $$ leverage.
Either way, they come when they want more money. My expertise is as limited as that, which leads me to key #1 for mor Read More
By Barbara Weltman. Insurance is the backstop for business owners when things go wrong. Things happen, but owners want to be financially protected for the unexpected. The problem is that owners may assume they’re covered for certain events but find out after such events that they were mistaken. Don Read More
If you are wondering how some small businesses are thriving for decades, learn from Joe Festa, the owner of State Barber Shop, Trenton, New Jersey, USA. Read More
Penguin 2.0 is live and Matt Cutts finally talks about Author Rank boostings your rankings. Read this to find out why you shouldn't react yet and what you may want to do. Read More

5 Coolest Technologies Invented by High Schoolers

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Technology
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on May 27, 2013 11:36 pm
Last week Intel hosted their International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix. There, 1,600 students from around the world were invited to present their award-winning projects and compete for over $4 million in awards and scholarships. Here are some of the coolest new technologies invented by Read More
Think Search Engine Optimization is Too Expensive for your business? Maybe. But if it is, you don't HAVE a business. On Media, Marketing, Content, and Design Read More
While being an online seller is a busy job, and many feel they don’t have time to sit down and focus on their finances as long as business is running fine, it really is crucial. And more importantly it can become a massive benefit for you when you strategically try to grow your business. Read More
Roles and features of a leader in today personal and professional conditions. Read More

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