CentrifugePR voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Five Ways to Get your Small Business Noticed

Five Ways to Get your Small Business Noticed - http://www.janesheeba.com Avatar Posted by janesheeba under Online Marketing
From http://www.janesheeba.com 3817 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on January 25, 2014 1:33 pm
Marketing your small business simply means making sure that your business stands out from the rest of the competition. By following these five tips, your business will get off to a flying start. Read More

Ten Must-Visit Bloggers

Ten Must-Visit Bloggers - http://glenn-shepherd.com Avatar Posted by glennshep under Online Marketing
From http://glenn-shepherd.com 3817 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on January 25, 2014 2:57 pm
Having an inventory of go-to bloggers can be an invaluable resource, both for your blog and your online business. My latest blog post highlights who are my top 10 bloggers from 2013. Read More

Reaching Out with Google’s New Gmail Update

Reaching Out with Google’s New Gmail Update  - http://www.carolamato.com Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Resources
From http://www.carolamato.com 3817 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on January 27, 2014 11:37 pm
Google’s new Gmail update can be a boon to your online business by helping you reach people whom you haven’t even exchanged email addresses with. You and the recipient will still have privacy protection, but you can let them know you want to connect. Read More

Top 25 Twitter Small Business Experts to Follow

Top 25 Twitter Small Business Experts to Follow - http://learn.hawkeyemgmt.com Avatar Posted by TomGazaway under Startups
From http://learn.hawkeyemgmt.com 3817 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on January 29, 2014 10:05 am
Here's a look at 25 of the thought leaders whose insights have helped inspire small business with their quality content and helpful small business understanding. Read More
We’re a couple weeks into 2014 and already I’m seeing different forms of progress on those New Year’s resolutions. Some were quickly given up on while others are off to a strong start, and then there are a few new resolutions even being thought up and made to this day (better late than never!). But Read More

Marketing Trends: Don’t Worry, Your Kittens Are Safe

Marketing Trends: Don’t Worry, Your Kittens Are Safe  - http://www.woodst.com Avatar Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online Marketing
From http://www.woodst.com 3818 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on January 28, 2014 11:45 pm
Maybe you’ve seen the posts…

QR Codes Kill Kittens
Content Marketing is Dead
SEO is Dead
Social Media is Dead
SEO, QR Codes, Social Media... They're all dead, Jim

I get it, trends come and go. But, all of these tactics mentioned still serve a purpose if used correctly. Yes, QR Codes can b Read More

Content Marketing Events in 2014: The Ultimate List

Content Marketing Events in 2014: The Ultimate List - http://www.curata.com Avatar Posted by jessiezubatkin under Marketing
From http://www.curata.com 3818 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on January 29, 2014 12:05 am
Marketers are a busy group of professionals, no doubt. However, regardless of the availability of webinars, virtual events and Google Hangouts, we still get a lot of value from good old fashioned in-person interaction at an event. That being said, I’m still very cautious as to where I allocate my t Read More
Do your propsects immediately understand and remember your marketing messages? If not, you probably need to be more concrete. Watch this short video to find out how to do this based on a sticky principle from Dan & Chip Heath’s book, Made to Stick. Read More
Running a blog is one of the most difficult tasks out there yet I love it. Most people always fail to understand the main things that make up a good blog, they thinks that it’s all about registering a domain name, hosting it and then installing wordpress on it. These are actually the basic steps bu Read More
We tend to think of apps as those nice discrete little applications we download to our smartphones and tablets, but over the next few years that will expand to other devices too, and as it does, the amount of data we will be sharing will be staggering. Read More

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