Iannarino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Salespeople are under a lot of pressure to win new business, so I’ve come up with some ideas to help you and your sales team meet your goals. The good news is your prospects are “hiding out” in some very public places. When you are looking for a way in, look for a project or challenge the prospect is facing that matches what you sell! Here are 3 ways to get the inside scoop and find new prospects Read More

Different Perspectives: Is Sales Really About Getting to “Yes”?

Different Perspectives: Is Sales Really About Getting to “Yes”? - http://www.salesbloggers.com Avatar Posted by jkennedy under Sales
From http://www.salesbloggers.com 5243 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on February 23, 2010 7:08 pm
Think sales is all about getting to "Yes"? Think again! If you really want to succeed in sales, stop obsessing about getting to "Yes" and start worrying about how to get to "No" faster and more often. Read More

10 Ways to End Sales Drudgery in Sales Teams

10 Ways to End Sales Drudgery in Sales Teams - http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com 5244 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on February 23, 2010 6:58 pm
Salespeople in retail do the same thing everyday, opening the cash drawer and maintaining this display and entering information there. Those who sell in customers' homes drive to appointments every day and do their thing, and then drive to the next appointment. Door-to-door canvassers are out in the streets of the community drumming up prospects or closing sales. Prospectors are on the phone day Read More
Taking initiative means taking actions proactively. It means taking action before it is necessary. It is what defines professionalism, especially in sales. These four ideas will help you take initiative . . . as long as you don’t wait for directions. Read More
There are some great communication enablers for sales professionals these days. But it is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that content and the message and ultimate value are what counts, not the medium. Read More

5 Ways to Be More Competitive in Sales

5 Ways to Be More Competitive in Sales - http://thesalesblog.com Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5244 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on February 23, 2010 7:08 pm
Winning in sales (or anything) requires that you compete. But first you must compete against the personal obstacles and roadblocks that prevent your success. Then, you have to play the zero sum game like losing has consequences, bringing you’re A-game to every contest. Read More
Optimism allows the salesperson to continue in the face of adversity. It allows the salesperson to hear no and to lose deals without attaching the negative meaning that would prevent them from taking future actions. Read More
The best way to demonstrate value is to increase your value to your buyer. You can differentiate not only based on what you deliver, but how you sell. Deliver value, not subservience. Read More
Self-discipline is the cornerstone of effectiveness in sales. Here are 7 methods for building the self-discipline and the strong foundation for success in sales. Read More

21 Definitions Of Culture From Cross-Cultural Twitter Interviews

21 Definitions Of Culture From Cross-Cultural Twitter Interviews - http://cindyking.biz Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Global
From http://cindyking.biz 5247 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on February 21, 2010 6:04 pm
What is Culture? Here are some great definitions of culture taken from Cross-Cultural Twitter Interviews of cross-cultural and international people on Twitter Read More

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