Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There is a movement underfoot to make April 16th FourSquare day...why you may ask...well for the non-nerds among you 4/16 is four and four squared. Read More
If you have to develop Wordpress themes on a regular basis then I have no doubt that you too have experienced the tedium that goes with re-writing the same code over and over again. It doesn't matter how excited you are about a new project or even how much you love web design, having to repeatedly d... Read More
In 2007 Charlene Li, then at Forrester Research, now running the Altimeter Group, along with Forrester 's Josh Bernoff, Remy Fiorentino, and Sarah Glass Read More

How To Get A Golden Touch Mindset

How To Get A Golden Touch Mindset  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From http://bloggertone.com 5215 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on March 24, 2010 5:00 pm
Online business professionals have to deal with issues which can have a huge impact on their success. Here's a look at how a golden touch mindset can help you find the traction you need to move your business forward. Read More
How to use relevant keywords or phrases on your website or blog to drive qualified traffic your way. By using the appropriate keywords, you will be able to increase your search result rankings and become a thought leader for your industry. Plus a tool to see what sort of keywords you should be using. Read More
Using Twitter for business is a great way to reach people, build relationships, provide customer service, and drive sales. Learn how you can leverage Twitter. Read More
The sales process is a non-linear. It is the salesperson’s duty to advance the sale from one stage to the next, but not to ignore the needs of their client or their client’s buying process. Sometimes this means going all the way and then backtracking to pick up the pieces in between. Read More

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs

23 Great Direct Mail Tips For Entrepreneurs  - http://www.understandingmarketing.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Direct Marketing
From http://www.understandingmarketing.com 5215 days ago
Made Hot by: iannarino on March 24, 2010 4:59 pm
When done correctly, direct mail can be a highly effective resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses, even when working together with email marketing. Here are 23 ways your direct mail may be failing you. And although there is talk that the U.S. Postal Service is going to cut down the number of days it delivers mail, entrepreneurs will still capitalize from direct mail to grow their busines Read More
Tap the power of photos to market your local business online.

7 low-cost, yet effective ideas you can use to make your local business “Picture Perfect” online. Read More
If you want to expand your business, you're going to need some cash. Money still isn't falling off trees for small businesses, and the lending seas can be a challenge to navigate. Although you need funding, you want to make sure your deal is better than the one offered by the neighborhood loan shark. Here are a few options for you. Read More

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