Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In the face of unprecedented challenges, it seems that change is the only thing small businesses can predict with any certainty. Piloting a business in the years ahead will require new ways of thinking. Traditional approaches will only hold you back. Read More
You know the definition of insanity, right? “Doing the same old thing and expecting different results.” So why do so many companies keep doing the same old thing, and expect anything different? It’s insanity.
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It’s a fact—towards the end of a recession, when the economy starts perking up—the most talented people start looking around for other opportunities. Read More

Yelp As a Mini Online Reputation Management Case Study

Yelp As a Mini Online Reputation Management Case Study  - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 5209 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on March 31, 2010 2:17 am
You’re probably aware that Yelp has found itself somewhat under fire lately. There have been persistent rumors, and now lawsuits, that the site squashes Read More
It is hard to imagine too many marketers refusing to read Ad Age. Ad Age is one of those benchmark publications that sets tone and language for entire industries. That’s why it’s interesting to see respected author and analyst Ken Doctor using the term in a recent article entitled ”Do Marketers Still Need News Brands?”. According to Doctor, news media brands are “… spending $65 billion a year on Read More
A unique business model on generating leads for your business with Jason Bahnak from Gateway Business Development. Read More
Facebook has proved to be a very important tool for the 1.5 million local businesses that are on it but what happens if it turns against you? Last week, Nestle got into a sticky situation on their Facebook page.
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A good password has to balance security with our ability to remember it, because minimizing the number of places that a password is written down or otherwise recorded is a good idea. It’s a tough line — the most memorable passwords are the easiest to crack, while the most secure are a jumble of characters that are impossible to recall. But there are some steps you can take to create a reasonably Read More
In today’s highly competitive business environment, understanding your target audience and how your product or service offerings differ from the competition’s is especially important. That’s where customer satisfaction research comes in. You need to ask your customers how your company is performing in their eyes, rather than make an educated guess about what they think of your business. Read More
Defining your company’s brand enables you to present the most important facts about your business in a compelling way, helping you to better connect with your target customers. But that’s certainly easier said than done, says Erin Ferree, founder of elf design. Read More

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