Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Asking takes guts and courage.

Asking is crucial in making your marketing and sales work. (and the key in your website conversion)

Always be asking your prospects to take the next step… Read More
Where a Bid Bond ensures the good faith of a Contractor's work-bid, a Performance Bond ensures monetary compensation to the client in the event the Contractor fails to finish the project according to the specifications laid out by the contract (most often due to the default or bankruptcy of the contractor). Read More
The new healthcare law recently passed will affect even many small businesses in very significant ways. The law will be phased in gradually over the next several years but knowing the specific implementation can be extremely important in operating your business. This breakdown of the law by the National Federation of Independent Business gives details and a time line for implementation plus a lin Read More
In this article O'Shaughnessy states that Workplace discrimination claims are at an all-time high and small business owners feel vulnerable. He's right about the fact that workplace discrimation claims are at an all-time but I highly disagree that small business owners feel vulnerable at all! Read More
As a business owner, we might over look a positive partnership. This article gives 10 reasons why you should outsource to a virtual assistant. Read More

Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side?

Provoking Fights And Revealing Your Dark Side? - http://www.jonathanfields.com Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Online Marketing
From http://www.jonathanfields.com 5204 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on March 29, 2010 10:24 am
How do you balance your desire to stretch—knowing that when you do it’s not only good for you, but good for traffic and business—with not wanting to walk around with a knot in your stomach all day. Read More
The challenge that you often hear with new companies that are adding social media to their marketing strategy is, “how much time is this going to take.” Usually time plus personnel equals money. Meaning, “we want this, but we don’t want to put a lot of time or money behind to it. Read More
Today it’s all about the subject line. You may have the most compelling, well-written small business press release. But if the subject line doesn’t capture their attention immediately and make them open the release, all that work is sitting on the curb. You can refer to the PR Toolkit for small business to find examples of other bad press releases. Read More
Kate Tammemagi, a customer service trainer at Focus Training, shares these great customer service tips to improve your phone skills. Read More
If you’re considering Web banner advertising for your growing business, the design of your ad can mean the difference between success and failure. Pointbanner.com, which works with online marketers to create fully customized banner ads, offers these helpful design tips for effective online advertising. Read More

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