Lkpetrolino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Feeling exhilarated, apprehensive or nervous? You're not alone. These are extremely common emotional responses someone has when about to venture into a new startup. Even the most seasoned business person will experience a wide range of these emotions when engaging in a new business. It's a natural Read More
Your site traffic is critical to driving profits, as your traffic grows you have more conversion opportunities. Whether you're running a 100 item product catalog, or launching a new product line, often times you need to generate a traffic boost. Here are five fast fixes to drive traffic to your eco Read More
So many people read about social media being the next big business platform. This is true. However, what they are really reading is: “Social media is the next place I can sell my product.” This is not precisely true. Selling on social media is not the same as selling on a website, or in a commer Read More
Matt Mansfield works to help online businesses by matching their needs with online software, tools and sites that help them save time and money, start new projects and grow their existing business. His eclectic career experience spans over 20 years of technology support and administration, software Read More

I want to talk to you today about creating a networks of ninjas. So often, with startups, businesses are so concerned with creating their product or getting their product to market, that by the time they get it out there they've neglected the whole of networking with people in the process. And th Read More
In business, you're dead without creativity.

Maybe you're one of the millions of people who saw Newsweek's recent article about The Creativity Crisis (, where Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman write about the decline of the American educ Read More
If your efforts to develop a steady stream of high-paying clients have been unsuccessful so far, it doesn’t mean you should quit trying. But it does mean you need to change something about the way you’re selling your services.

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I feel like the past month (most likely since LinkedIn made some important changes to groups, Q&A, etc.), more and more people are using LinkedIn...Super, I discussed in my previous post The Six Step Idiot's Guide to Establishing a LinkedIn Presence, what a great, and often under utilized tool LinkedIn can be.
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In every failure lies numerous opportunities. Lessons learned, doorways opened, doorways closed (yes, sometimes a closed door can be one of the best opportunities). Find them, understand what they mean and analyze how pursuing those opportunities could affect your business.
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It happened at a company that I previously worked at. A customer had a bad experience with a coworker and wrote a blog post about what happened. That blog post ended up on the front page of the Google results for a search for that company's name. After that happened, other customers who had bad experiences left comments on the blog post, adding more content about the company and solidifying it's standing on the first page of Google. It cost the company (and still costs them) a lot of customers, as well as good employees who see that post and decide they don't want to work there Read More

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