Lkpetrolino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One of St. Patrick's legendary feats is that he chased the snakes off the island. Although all evidence suggests that post-glacial Ireland never had snakes, the symbolic nature of this historic account can be equally applied to your small business.

Every business has its snakes. Those barriers, big or small which are preventing it from reaching the next level, from gaining more market share, r Read More
You know that your product/service has reached ultimate 'Brand' eutopia when you achieve "Kleenex-Level Distinction". Kleenex's brand is so strong that a good percentage of American's will ask for a 'Kleenex' vs. a 'Tissue' when they need to blow their nose Read More
The goal of any business is for the customer to walk away happy with the transaction. Whether it be product, service, etc., the customer should ALWAYS walk away happy with a feeling of satisfaction that they made the right choice. Tom's Shoes has taken that one step further. Not only do their customers walk away feeling good about a purchase of well made, fairly affordable shoes, they also now wa Read More
What is 'personal engagement' really?

Shane Ketterman of Five Forces Group says:

"personal engagement is taking the time, as a company or corporation or service provider, or whatever your business is and making me (the customer) feel as if you care, are listening, and update me on what’s happening with my product/service/project, etc." Read More
Each customer is treated as if they are special, as if they are royalty and deserve to be doted on. As a Nordstrom customer, you should walk away feeling like a million bucks, because you were just treated as if you are.

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Trying to succeed at marketing without a clear vision of who you’re marketing to is like setting out on a trip without a destination. You must know who you want to serve with your product or service before you start building the campaign to reach them. Read More
This point and the importance of the details cannot be over emphasized!! Running your business in a way that you always 'sweat the small stuff' is one of the biggest things that will distinguish you from your competitor in the consumer's mind. Read More
That is the question behind every customer decision.

“Why should I, as your potential customer, trust your service/product/organization?”

So as a business owner, your question to yourself should be;

“What can I do to improve my customer’s trust?” Read More
The Flying Pig Blog is soooooo, sooooo, sooooo excited to have a special guest post from Dr. Nate of Bright Eyes Family Vision Care here in Tampa. Dr. Nate should severe as a mentor for all small business owners as a good example of the 'right' way to use social media in your business. I know he is a mentor for me! Read More
Before you start a marketing campaign you need to ask yourself what you want the goal of that campaign to be. Defining the goal will not only help you decide what type of campaign strategy will work best, but also, the best way to target and execute your chosen strategy.

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