Logistico voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Six Tweaks for a Faster Loading Website

Six Tweaks for a Faster Loading Website - http://locostmarketing.com Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Marketing
From http://locostmarketing.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on January 25, 2013 8:48 pm
So let’s say that you’ve got it – a good website design and layout. It’s flashy, it’s appealing, and it’s amazing. To put it simply, your website looks absolutely cool, but there’s one problem that you’re facing: the loading time of your page. Read More
The success of a newsletter is determined by its readers. Who reads your work and who is concerned about your business? And more importantly, what is it that you want to communicate and how effectively do you manage to do that? Read More
In episode 31 of Web Domination, we chat once again with Gideon Shalwick the YouTube and video marketing expert (see part 1 of the chat here). In this chat we run through how to get the YouTube traffic back to your own site and turn them into opt ins and customers. Read More
The decision to buy something or conversely not to buy something, is not one that is ruled mostly by logical thought processes. Rather it is one that is ruled by a range of different outside influences and emotional impulses that we really have very little control over. Read More

The 4 Popular Crowd Funding Websites

The 4 Popular Crowd Funding Websites - http://www.techmaish.com Avatar Posted by Katherinannie under Strategy
From http://www.techmaish.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 25, 2013 8:03 am
The concept of crowd funding is gaining importance lately as the future of business indicates sharing. Read More

Marketing With Press Releases and Other Promotions

Marketing With Press Releases and Other Promotions  - http://corp.wishpond.com Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Online Marketing
From http://corp.wishpond.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on January 23, 2013 9:19 pm
The amount of content bombarding the average Internet user today is truly staggering and more and more of it is becoming machine generated and less personal. Nothing turns a reader off faster than some machine generated content that makes little to no sense. That is where the human factor comes i Read More

Facebook Marketing for Bars & Nightclubs

Facebook Marketing for Bars & Nightclubs  - http://corp.wishpond.com Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Online Marketing
From http://corp.wishpond.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on January 23, 2013 10:27 pm
Facebook is a major marketing platform for bars & nightclubs. Let’s see what you can do:

Target your audience.
Share photos.
Promote events.
Create buzz.
Build fans. Read More

How To: Add Social Plugins to Your E-Commerce Website

How To: Add Social Plugins to Your E-Commerce Website  - http://corp.wishpond.com Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Online Marketing
From http://corp.wishpond.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: moneytized on January 24, 2013 4:54 pm
Today’s businesses need to have an online presence to reach new audiences and create a deeper level of engagement with current and potential customers. Being active on social networks is a great way to connect with new customers, answer customer service questions and promote your business online. F Read More

How To Reduce Your IT Costs With VPS Hosting ?

How To Reduce Your IT Costs With VPS Hosting ? - http://123infoworld.com Avatar Posted by rajatahirqaiser under Online Marketing
From http://123infoworld.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 23, 2013 6:06 pm
Learn Difference between Shared server hosting, Dedicated Hosting and Virtual private server hosting and Tips to Reduce Your IT Costs With VPS Hosting ? Read More

Preplanning Content for a Blog

Preplanning Content for a Blog - http://www.websuccessteam.com Avatar Posted by websuccessteam under Social Media
From http://www.websuccessteam.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on January 23, 2013 2:38 pm
There are an estimated 31 million bloggers in the U.S., many of whom blog as a hobby, but many others are blogging for business. Every time someone reads your blog, you are given more and more opportunities to increase traffic to your website. The value in blogging is well known, but regularly publ Read More

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