Logistico voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Problem owners and solution owners tend to assess value differently. Sales needs to understand this, creating, developing, and delivering value relevant to both audiences. Read More
I’m convinced Twitter is the best social network for business. Many companies tell me about their unproductive Facebook page. Often, the story is that they have some “likes” but it hasn’t done anything for their business. That is all too common. Customers don’t want tons of company updates in their Read More

Yahoo acquires Pinterest-like platform Snip.it

Yahoo acquires Pinterest-like platform Snip.it  - http://www.examiner.com Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://www.examiner.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on January 23, 2013 7:08 pm
The team behind Snip.it announced on Tuesday that the content curation site had been acquired by Yahoo!.

The deal, which should be made official by the latter sometime this week, amounts to a sum in the “mid teens” of millions of dollars. Read More

SEO How to Use Social to Get More out of Search

SEO How to Use Social to Get More out of Search - http://keepupwiththeweb.com Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Social Media
From http://keepupwiththeweb.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on January 23, 2013 8:07 pm
Improve your site SEO with Social Media. Google+, Gmail and Google Authorship affect your rank and where your site is displayed in the search engines Read More

Set the Right Kind of Business Goals this Year

Set the Right Kind of Business Goals this Year  - http://galtime.com Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Startups
From http://galtime.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on January 27, 2013 11:30 am
Nellie Akalp of CorpNet.com shares how to set the right kind of business goals in 2013 in this GalTime post. Read More

Why do so many businesses fail?

Why do so many businesses fail?  - http://www.clarusadvisors.net Avatar Posted by Rich Greene under Management
From http://www.clarusadvisors.net 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on January 25, 2013 9:37 am
It’s a simple question. Let’s start with the assumption there is a market for what you do and your initial capital investment is adequate (without these basics the business is doomed even before it starts)… So why do the majority of new enterprises fail? Is it bad marketing? Too little cash flow? Read More
Are you a woman-owned business looking to get a slice of the more than $400 billion dollar federal contracting pie? Under the new National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, the SBA will make changes to its Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program to help women-owned small businesses ge Read More
There is a place for creativity in business and even in accounting, judging by digital business developments since 1987. This article takes a wry look at developments in the use of business technology. Read More
Over the years, LinkedIn has become one of my favorite social networks to use. The site has allowed me to meet some great people in my niche, find unique content, and most importantly, be recognized at my real value. At first sight, LinkedIn is rather unappealing and difficult to figure out. Like G Read More

Marking the Peaceful Transfer of Power: US Presidential Inauguration

Marking the Peaceful Transfer of Power: US Presidential Inauguration - http://personaldividends.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under News
From http://personaldividends.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: moneytized on January 24, 2013 6:54 pm
While there might be protestors near the site, and while not everyone is always happy about the person being sworn in, the United States has a long history of peaceful government since the first inauguration, held in April 1789 for George Washington, until now. Read More

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