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Tax Season 2013: Things You Should Know

Tax Season 2013: Things You Should Know - http://bestratesin.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From http://bestratesin.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: amabaie on January 24, 2013 3:03 am
Tax season 2013 is underway, and it’s important that you realize that there have been some changes and delays to tax filing. On top of that, if you run a home business, you should be aware of the 1099-K form. Read More

Why Self Promotion Isn’t Always a Bad Marketing Approach

Why Self Promotion Isn’t Always a Bad Marketing Approach - http://www.reviewzntips.com Avatar Posted by DSharkov under Marketing
From http://www.reviewzntips.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on January 23, 2013 2:35 pm
When it comes to blogging and social media, self-promotion is not necessarily something bad! Find out why this is true and how to benefit from it! Read More
It's important for retailers to adapt their strategy to accommodate mobile shopping. Industry Insights' Joe Keenan explains m-commerce best practices. Read More
A complete keyword research guide to help you find low competition keywords using free tools.

Step by step process from niche market selection and creating an initial keyword list to analyzing the competition for each keyword.

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Where to spend your advertising dollars can be one of those areas that can drive a small business owner batty.

Marketing and advertising made perfect sense before you started your own business. Some newspaper ads, a direct mail campaign, sprinkled with some clever online advertising….and then y Read More
Add a couple minutes to your blogging routine for a huge increase in search traffic! In this post you'll learn quick and easy SEO techniques intended to help even the laziest of bloggers improve search engine ranking. Read More

Inbound Marketing: A Cost-Effective Strategy for SMB Marketers

Inbound Marketing: A Cost-Effective Strategy for SMB Marketers  - http://blog.affinityexpress.com Avatar Posted by Kriti under Marketing
From http://blog.affinityexpress.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 23, 2013 8:58 pm
If there’s one thing that holds back most small business marketers, it is tight budgets. Outbound marketing events like trade shows, direct mail and telemarketing are extremely expensive. At the same time, they do not have enough metrics built in to calculate return on investment. Digital marketing Read More
With the accounting industry moving towards cloud computing and fully online working models, users of Intuit QuickBooks desktop editions may believe that their best option is to migrate to a web-based edition of the software rather than continuing to use the version of QuickBooks they have come to Read More

How Mobile is Driving e-Commerce in the Future

How Mobile is Driving e-Commerce in the Future  - http://blog.corporationcentre.ca Avatar Posted by corpcentre under Technology
From http://blog.corporationcentre.ca 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 25, 2013 7:08 pm
We all have the ability to carry a super computer in the palm of our hands. We can look up information, get directions, stay in touch with friends and go shopping. In fact, mobile technology is going to be a leading factor that will drive e-commerce to further successful heights in the coming year. Read More

3 Steps To List Building With Banner Advertising

3 Steps To List Building With Banner Advertising - http://gabejohansson.com Avatar Posted by GabeJohansson under Advertising
From http://gabejohansson.com 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 25, 2013 7:53 pm
Banner advertising can be very effective when you get the hang of it. There are some important steps to consider in order to maximize your list building efforts, and if you implement these strategies your success rate will definitely be higher. Read More

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