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11 Ways to Validate Your Next Big Business Idea

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Startups
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4267 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 26, 2013 9:47 am
What is one solid way to validate a startup idea before actually launching the business? The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council. Read More
If you are a merchant who is processing credit cards for your business, you should be aware of a list that could possibly affect your future business decisions in a negative way. Read More
Been thinking on this quite a bit lately, especially as I get to “peek under” the hood at many new startups and their technology solutions to combat what they see as a “hole in the marketplace.” What I mean by that is that when a new startup begins to do their pitch to a room full of angels or VCs Read More
You might be surprised to hear people ask the question ‘Does Your Twitter Account Help or Hurt Your Brand? You may have good reason to think this way. You could be making some serious mistakes with your Twitter Account and not even be aware Read More
What happens when a big name store (like HMV, Jessops, Woolworths etc) no longer has a presence on the High Street? Where do they turn to? Online? How do they get rid of their stock?

It's all covered in this handy - and informative - little guide. Read More
Google is demonized by many as making it extremely difficult for small-time webmasters to rank on the first page. But in reality Google doesn’t have it in for the little guy — their priority is to serve up the best possible search results. Read More

5 Types of Conference Speaking Opportunities & How to Prepare

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 4267 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 26, 2013 9:35 am
I have been able to try myself in each of these five capacities, I have decided to look back and analyze the lessons I've learned from being placed into each of these different roles: (1) solo presenter, (2) co-presenter, (3) panelist, (4) panel moderator, (5) expert discussion leader. Read More
For nonprofit organizations, few resources provide more value than volunteers. In 2011, 64.3 million Americans volunteered at charities providing 7.9 billion hours of service valued at $171 billion. Today we look at key pieces of data about volunteering in America and provide tips on how nonprofits Read More
Is this list of people you follow on Twitter due for a spring cleaning? ManageFlitter lets you manage your followees -- so you can keep the heroes and ditch the zeroes. Read More
If you cannot find any images on free legal sources, then you should now purchase them, that is, if you cannot afford to invest a professional camera which is quite expensive. Here are the websites where you can purchase cheap but quality images. Read More

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