Logistico voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With the New Year, some people start thinking of starting a new business. Of course, much of this is wishful thinking or fantasizing, but some of them have business ideas that could potentially be successful. Read More
Managing an office is a little like managing a baseball team. You may have some real all-stars on your team, but you may also have some people who are striking out. Read More
Here is part of a video from Guy Kawasaki on his book What the Plus - Google + For the Rest Of Us. Guy talked about Circles On Google Plus. Read More
Securing small business financing can be challenging. Whether you are just starting out or looking to grow, banks and lending institutions can be rigorous in their lending review practices. So what are lenders looking for in a potential loan applicant? Here’s what you need to know. Read More
If you want to grow your company, then you'll need to get more new customers. Here's the right way, and the wrong way to do it... Read More
Introducing you to Geo-Optimization, its importance and its grapevine effect! Plus interesting local facts! Read More
Social Media Networking, Networking Breakfasts, Birds-of-a-Feather Lunch Discussions, and other professional networking opportunities await at Affiliate Management Days. Read More

What Not To Do On Pinterest - Write On Track

Avatar Posted by Lorna6 under Social Media
From http://www.writeontrack.ie 4267 days ago
Made Hot by: ioncannon on January 28, 2013 3:37 am
Are you committing pinterest faux pas without realising? Your professional image and your pinning effectiveness could be damaged if so. Here's 7 tips to ensure you are aware of how to pin correctly. Read More
Forget about meetings. They are toxic. Don’t plan too much. Don’t hire people based on resume. This is only a few examples of unusual advice from 37signals owners– creators of Basecamp (project management tool), Ruby on Rails (online framework for programming), Highrise (contact managing tool) and Read More
Keeping in mind the Euro zone debt crisis and the American economic condition, the business organizations are going through tough conditions as they’re aren’t able to stay out of the debt burden. Managing business finances amidst the economic meltdown is pretty tough and more so when you have incur Read More

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