Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Keywords: Find Theirs, Protect Yours | WebProNews

Keywords: Find Theirs, Protect Yours | WebProNews - Avatar Posted by jlawlor under Online Marketing
From 5898 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 13, 2008 3:08 am
Site maps -- 2 side to the coin: Does your website contain a site map? If so, you may be handing your competitors a free gift -- all of your targeted keywords. Are you looking for competitive intelligence on your competitors' search optimization strategy? Your competitors' site maps are your best source for keyword research. Read more i Read More

Why Twitter Matters — And Why I Just Might Follow You

Why Twitter Matters — And Why I Just Might Follow You - Avatar Posted by jlawlor under News
From 5899 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 12, 2008 8:48 pm
Twitter has been a hot item in the uber-social media , micro-blogging crowd for the past few years. I have to admit that when I first heard about it I dismissed it with a cyber-sneer...but today I have Twitter open in a browser sidebar most days. This article is an excellent description of the attraction of the Twitter experience. Read More

How to Help Your Business Profit During a Recession

How to Help Your Business Profit During a Recession - Avatar Posted by jlawlor under Online Marketing
From 5899 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 13, 2008 7:36 pm and was both interesting community blog-like sites. "How to Help Your Business Profit During a Recession" is a first attempt at creating a useful HubPages resourse. Read More

Is "Brand Trust" an oxymoron?

Is "Brand Trust" an oxymoron? - Avatar Posted by d2kd3k under Marketing
From 5900 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 13, 2008 3:09 am
Consumers don't "trust" corporations, but they can trust the people behind the brand. Do your customers trust the people behind your brand? Read More

Top 10 Boomer Myths - Separating Fact from Fiction

Top 10 Boomer Myths - Separating Fact from Fiction - Avatar Posted by TerryJackson under News
From 5900 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 13, 2008 3:07 am
Preconceived notions about the Baby Boomer generation abound, but many are merely myth, according to the third Quarterly Boomer Report from AARP Services and Focalyst, titled “How Well Do You Know Boomers? Counting Down the Top 10 Boomer Myths.” “Contrary to many common assumptions, Boomers are making retirement obsolete, are very savvy about Read More

Do-It-Yourself Display Ads

Do-It-Yourself Display Ads - Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Online Marketing
From 5900 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 10, 2008 10:59 pm
Much of the valuable online-ad real estate is sold the old-fashioned way: through a salesperson. But now start-ups and major Internet players such as Facebook Inc. are giving advertisers the option of planning, buying and tracking online-ad campaigns all on their own. Just as the ability to buy plane tickets online steered business away from tr Read More

Seven Myths That Screw Up Sales

Seven Myths That Screw Up Sales - Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From 5900 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 10, 2008 12:58 pm
If your sales success isn't where it ought to be, you may be operating under the weight of one or more persistent (and pernicious) myths about selling. Here they are: Read More

Consider These Things When Commenting on Blogs

Consider These Things When Commenting on Blogs - Avatar Posted by mssux under Online Marketing
From 5904 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 5, 2008 10:50 pm
If you haven't noticed, some blogs are a lot stricter with their comment policies than others. I have recently advocated using blog comments as a way of promoting your site, but not in a form that is in any way spammy. The best way to get traffic from blog comments is to link your name to your site. This will give them the opportunity to see Read More

Ubuntu 8.04 Is Ready to Take On Windows

Ubuntu 8.04 Is Ready to Take On Windows - Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From 5904 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 6, 2008 2:10 pm
Ubuntu's deep software catalog, focus on usability and active community combine with long-term support to put desktop Linux's best face forward. Read More
You can't throw in a couple of paragraphs once in a blue moon and expect to instantly become an MS rock star — no matter how great your content is. It just doesn't work that way.... Read More

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