Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Identify Express Service Potentials For Your Small Business

Identify Express Service Potentials For Your Small Business - Avatar Posted by TheProfitRepairman under Customer Service
From 5909 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 29, 2008 11:39 am
Take a look around your business unit, listen to your associates and customers, keep abreast of market trends and your competition, and never stop asking yourself, “Is there an opportunity to convert and deliver this or any process in the operations and sales functions to an express service module?” Read More
The are many reason why a site doesn't convert. It can be anything from poor site usability to bad copy writing. it may also be because you are not telling people what to do. sometimes you do have to tell them to “click here” ! ” Sue's Needlepoint newsletter” used as anchor text is different than ” Subscribe Up for Newsletter Now !” . Even CLICK Read More
Comprehensive guide to website usability, SEO, design with links to other resources. Great reference tool. Simple and easy to understand and use. Read More

Stop consulting for free

Stop consulting for free - Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From 5913 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 25, 2008 1:25 am
Selling B2B is “consultative,” but there's a point where you need to turn the meter on. The concept of “consultative” selling is that the sales professional should be adding value from the very start of the customer relationship. However, if that concept is taken too literally, you can end up providing free services to a prospect that never int Read More

Ad Network for Social Media Sites

Ad Network for Social Media Sites - Avatar Posted by ureach under Online Marketing
From 5915 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 23, 2008 4:21 am
SocialMedia Networks says they're the first ad network to focus 100 percent on social media. They have over three billion ad impressions to more than 15 million unique visitors per month. These ad impressions are delivered within 5,000+ applications and they're appearing on Facebook, Bebo and MySpace. I asked SocialMedia's CEO Seth Goldstein a Read More

How To Get Great Testimonials

How To Get Great Testimonials - Avatar Posted by JohnH under Marketing
From 5915 days ago
Made Hot by: macromax on April 22, 2008 5:45 pm
As customers become more cautious and more skeptical, so does the need for great testimonials become more critical. Most of us have a few testimonials, but almost no one has a process for systematically going after them as a strategic priority. Social proof is one of the most powerful selling tools available and Street-Smart Marketers make it a pr Read More

HourTown puts service appointments online, in buyers' hands

HourTown puts service appointments online, in buyers' hands - Avatar Posted by westerly under Marketing
From 5915 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 23, 2008 4:21 am
A story about a former PayPal employee who created an online scheduling and marketing platform for SMB's called HourTown. Read More

How to trap the busiest of prospects with Google local

How to trap the busiest of prospects with Google local - Avatar Posted by JohnH under Online Marketing
From 5916 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 22, 2008 12:56 am
Google's local business center is providing marketers with a complete arsenal of weapons to trap time-starved prospects, including video as we told you last week. Marketer John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing followed up with great post, reminding me of all the ways you can use Google local business services (i.e., the maps). To my mind, his li Read More

Eight sales strategies for startups

Eight sales strategies for startups - Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From 5918 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 20, 2008 3:11 am
Walk into any McDonald's, order a Quarter Pounder, and the clerk will invariably ask, "Do you want fries with that?" Each affirmative answer adds $1 or more to that particular sale. If just a fraction of McDonald's' 54 million daily customers say yes to that question, that's millions of extra dollars in the burger biggie's pocket. The sa Read More

3 Ideas for Customer Retention Programs

3 Ideas for Customer Retention Programs - Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Customer Service
From 5919 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 18, 2008 10:12 pm
To hold onto customers, whether they're brand-new or have been interacting with your company for years, consider the following three tips from direct marketing consultant Lee Marc Stein and copywriter Mark Hallen. They were recently featured in Stein's e-mail newsletter, Increasing Return on Marketing Dollars, along with 18 more ideas for improvin Read More

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