Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are thousands of small business and entrepreneurship blogs in the blogosphere. Unfortunately, many of them are not at all useful to the experienced or aspiring entrepreneur. We've all seen them. The great majority of which are e-commerce "pros" masquerading as entrepreneurship experts. This makes finding solid, useful information for the Read More

SBA's 'Cookie Jar Capitalism' Still Flourishes in Wake of Scandal

SBA's 'Cookie Jar Capitalism' Still Flourishes in Wake of Scandal - Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under News
From 5876 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 3, 2008 3:45 pm
Loan fraud has been a long-standing, widespread problem within the Small Business Administration and has cost taxpayers literally hundreds of millions of dollars. But when a senior executive of Business Loan Express engineered a particularly brazen $76 million loan scam early last year, it was widely thought the SBA had finally learned its lesson. Read More
One of the most common mistakes I see being made by folks who are new to search engine optimization is a lack of focus on attracting deep links. These people will work hard to gain new links to their sites by submitting to directories, joining organizations and filling out profiles on social networks, but they often fail to focus on getting good q Read More
Where did you learn your real life, business, and investing lessons? If you're anything like me then they probably came out of the mistakes you've made. Sure, the times you got everything right taught you something, but our successes also tempt us into static patterns or rigid solutions. Rarely do they lead to the truly profound insights. Read More
From the Page: "The root of the problem is not the media or the creative professionals coming up with slick ads to gain your attention and approval. Competition is the problem. So many people are out there shouting and blasting messages at us that for many consumers, it has outlived its cycle of effectiveness." Read More

Sales Tips for the Brick and Mortars

Sales Tips for the Brick and Mortars - Avatar Posted by JohnH under Sales
From 5885 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 27, 2008 5:56 pm
There is such a thing as your sales team working too hard. What I mean by this is that they might be pushing the customers too hard to get them to buy. iEntry director of sales and overall wise person Susan Coppersmith says, "If you act hungry, you will starve." If your sales team is acting too desperate for a sale, the customer is likely to Read More
Here's something I think just about anyone reading this article can apply to their sales letters and ads immediately, and see results Read More

The growing influence of on small business

The growing influence of on small business - Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From 5886 days ago
Made Hot by: waltgoshert on May 25, 2008 6:05 pm
THE Rooz Cafe, a restaurant and coffee shop in Oakland, Calif., signals its distaste for patrons who post reviews on with a small sign: No Yelpers. Rooz's owner, Steve Ranjbin, said he put the sticker up as a joke, but added that he had a complaint about Yelp. “Yelp does not respect us as business owners,” Mr. Ranjbin said. “They d Read More
From the Page: "When I founded I was a software developer not a manager. Not that this mattered much because the only person I needed to manage at the time was me! As the company grew, management was "thrust upon me", and I learned four techniques I still use to manage people and projects effectively." Read More

Time Trashing & Organization: More Than Meets the Eye

Time Trashing & Organization:  More Than Meets the Eye - Avatar Posted by dlanders under Self-Development
From 5886 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 27, 2008 5:49 pm
Trashing is what happens when more time is spent switching between tasks than actually accomplishing useful work. While organizing your work space and your personal life is positive, make sure that you do not spend more time on the planning than in actually doing the work. Read More

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