Omgzam voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Customer AND The Community

The Customer AND The Community  - Avatar Posted by billrice under Sales
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on May 13, 2010 3:33 am
I’m still unpacking tons of ideas from SOBCon 2010, but one of my favorites revealed itself completely by accident in a conversation with Jon Swanson (@jnswanson), at the coffee pot no less. I’m sure it didn’t even register with Jon, but it reminded me how important simple idle chat is to creativity.

So, my chat was typical conference (2.0) introductory chatter Read More
Find out how to indirectly promote your Facebook fan page from your personal account, without annoying your friends and inner circles for extra visibility Read More

The beauty of choice

The beauty of choice  - Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 6, 2010 2:00 am
Often we can go a direct path to a goal or objective thinking we are doing the right thing. Sometimes it's better to sit back and look at alternatives first. Look at the choices - direct is not always best Read More

Is your Idea based on something original?

Is your Idea based on something original?  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Self-Development
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on May 5, 2010 4:48 pm
We probably mostly agree that experience is based on the past, therefore when someone comes up with a new idea, if you strip it down, it will be based tightly or loosely on something already created Read More
Social media marketing strategy is easy to understand when explained by Jay Baer of Convince And Convert Read More
Do you think that there are too many ads flooding the online space? According to a new study from the Ponemon Institute, marketers using online behavioural advertising; tracking user’s Web browsing habits, are using 75% less of it than they would like to due to privacy concerns. Read More

How to win the deal without discounting

How to win the deal without discounting - Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From 5177 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on May 12, 2010 7:15 am
If you don’t show the value you will definitely not win whatever your price is. Even if you have a lowest price on the market, it does not mean much to the prospect, because they don’t see the difference between your product and ones from the competition Read More
Marketing in all its forms is an essential part of small business growth. Here are three tips from award-winning small business owners, who explain how they have improved their marketing efforts by better listening to their customers and critics while leveraging online tools to grow new markets on a tight budget Read More
I'm a firm believer that in business, as in life, if you are seeking principles for success, look to nature and the creatures with whom we share this planet! From the task-specialization of ants, to the "web-building" of spiders to the "networking" and pack-hunting mentality of's all there Read More

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 5177 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on May 4, 2010 5:15 pm
On the journey to improve communication & collaboration with Social Media it is often not the destination that is the most important, but the route that is travelled to get there Read More

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