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Eliminate fear of failure!

Fear of failure comes from three false laws.

They are:

1. If you didn’t get it right, you got it wrong.
2. Do it on your own.
3. No copying others.

1. Your success is a progressive act of evolutionary change: Evolve the correct answer.
2. Get your help Read More
Here are 9 kinds of distractions that I personally struggle with unnecessarily and that I think a lot of us struggle with. Read More
Social media monitoring is an essential component of many PR plans. We recently spoke to PR pro Alex Greenwood about the importance of social media monitoring for public relations and the importance of using monitoring to avoid PR disasters. Read More
Yesterday history was made in the commercial space travel industry with the successful launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk, is one of our favorite entrepreneurs. A little about Mr. Musk: Read More
I just finished reading The Art of Choosing by Dr. Sheena Iyengar, a professor at Columbia University. In the book she says that humans have two routes for processing information, the automatic system and the reflective system.

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Social gaming is a lot like Marmite. Half of people see them as a waste of time, whilst the other half could happily fill their days playing Word Challenge, Texas Hold-em and Mob Wars. With over 50% of social network users estimated to play them, social gaming is big business, and generating millio Read More

The Road to Hell is Paved With Good (Advice)

The Road to Hell is Paved With Good (Advice) - Avatar Posted by ScottK under Management
From 4951 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on December 16, 2010 5:51 pm
Expert advice is a huge industry. Today, there is an endless supply of experts that promise to solve your problems in the most modern, elegant way possible. Many experts have their clients best interests at heart and work to solve their problems as they appear. Unfortunately, there are experts out Read More
Learn to write Social Media Policy documents for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. 7 Ways to Make Facebook Social Media Policies Useful. If the guidelines are not in place, you can hardly blame the employees if issues arise or there are customer complaints. Here are seven more ways to ensure your Fac Read More
When considering onsite targeting, some advice:

One Size Does Not Fit All: Avoid trying to “boil the ocean” when planning for Web site personalization. Instead, look for simple, powerful tools that streamline personalization and targeting efforts while capturing and storing both known attributes Read More
Almost end of year I never heard about Page Rank Up Date, last up dated is about 8 months a go, its about April as I remembered. Having a page rank is really a gift for a beginners like me, as I was really happy when I got my first Page Rank and then I got my PR 3 at the last up dated Read More

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