Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As marketing and PR are changing rapidly with the constant evolution and expansion of the digital ecosystem, success requires integrated efforts that combine the smartest tactics in traditional PR combined with online marketing and SEO practices. The Internet has changed how we receive information, Read More
About a week ago Vocus announced the results of its annual PR planning survey, titled Social Media Comes of Age. Today, we’ve sliced that data exclusively for B2C Insider to look strictly at the data from respondents with a B2C focus.

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Companies That Understand Great Customer Service

Companies That Understand Great Customer Service - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Customer Service
From 4950 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on December 14, 2010 7:37 pm
In today’s economy you would think that companies would be doing everything they can to not only get new customers, but keep the ones they already have. Unfortunately that’s not the case. Some companies are clueless or simply don’t care.

But there are other companies out there that do totally G Read More
Everyone has a favorite pair of shoes. They are the ones that make your feet feel comfy, and brighten your mood simply by slipping them on. Each person’s favorite pair is cherished for different reasons, but feels like they were made just for you. Finding your niche in the business world feels Read More
And then there are days when leading a small business is distressing. In fact, the origin of the word, distress, means to pull apart. And pulled apart is not so far off the mark... Read More
Cartoon inspired by the blog post 'No Sheep' and the youtube video 'Leadersheep...'
(Created using, and my iPad.) Read More
I have been in love with wordpress since i have switched from blogspot to wordpress. Wordpress is just a vast CMS platform which always keeps you busy with one or the other resources. Today i am going to share with you few awesome wordpress theme included with theme options. I will coming up soon w Read More
Lot of people in NASA says I hate to use the term 'cloud computing' because I've heard the term so much and I'm sick of it, But the fact of the matter is this is a very good cloud computing model and we're going to save a lot of money doing it. Read More
There are all kinds of great sales programs, but it is all just talk without execution. Join us for a webinar that looks more at getting it done rather than being hung up on why.
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Google Instant may not even be here in 12 months and may be written off as a failed experiment. If it does capture and change user behaviour, the long-tail of search terms will shorten. It follows that if you are getting traffic from long-tail phrases at the moment, you may want to look at optim Read More

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