Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Email has developed a bad-boy reputation as a blanket direct marketing method. The 'spray and pray' approach to business acquisition has resulted in customers opting out in their droves and the proliferation of anti-email technologies.

Let's face it – email marketing has become more difficult an Read More
Blogging and blog writing to attract readers and search engines to your site means that you must not lose track of why you are writing your blog. The blog should be directly or relevant to the business product or service you are trying to promote. If you veer too far off topic, you will not get the Read More
A survey conducted by Yellow Pages on 1,800 SME owners reveals that 69 percent biz owners do not measure the ROI of their online advertising. More stats inside. Read More
In my previous blog post I introduced the two key accounting documents that you use to manage you business. This post concentrates on the first one of these:The Profit and Loss Account or P&L. The Bottom Line... Read More
I haven’t tried this feature, but according to LinkedIn, all you have to do is:

1. Pick a Resume Template that best fits your style
2. Edit the Template, which is made easier because LinkedIn fetches information from your profile
3. Share your....
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This guide tells you how to make tutorial video with screen recording software. With many tips for beginners and suggestions for old hands. Read More
So which social network do you think came out tops in a rating of most-mentioned websites and social media services? You may guess Twitter or Facebook but in fact the top place on the list for 2010 goes to YouTube in the Zeta 2010 Buzz Awards which looks at the popularity of 125 social media sites. Read More
Interesting read by Ana on how to promote your business using Ebay as part of your traffic generation strategy. Read More
too many sales organizations rely too heavily on retention, and leave themselves vulnerable to losing enough revenue to have an awful year. Read More
The differences between B2B and B2C are much smaller than most would have you believe. Success in both comes down to understanding and delivering to the buyers' requirements. Read More

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