Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The PollDaddy Polls and Ratings plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can create polls, choose from 20 different styles for your polls, and view all results for your polls as they come in. Read More
Last week’s post discussed joint ventures and other collaborative business agreements involving cooperative efforts between multiple independent parties. This week we turn to a more traditional structure, and examine singular business entities with multiple partners. Read More
How to capture the elusive male market is one of the most challenging questions to answer for any business or advertiser primarily because there is a pre-conceived notion that men aren’t really “shoppers”. This may have changed with the continuous emergence of the “metro men”. They are beginning... Read More
Internet video marketing niche is up for discussion during this Blog Audit Friday. Learn more about the best link building strategies and traffic conversion in this issue. Read More
Leveraging events is key to success in sales, but runs the risk of rendering a sales person to being reactive. As a proactive sales professional, you need to look at how to make thing happen not just wait for them to. Read More
Blog commenting is a powerful way of generating links to your website. A powerful marketing tool, blog commentary helps you build your business profile, provided of course that the comment is constructive an not spammy. This helps with search engine rankings of course, but it also allows people to Read More
Social media can be your means of advertising or brand awareness. However, more commonly it is your means of creating and/or sustaining a close customer relationship. Social media has become an avenue to connect with your target market outside of the normal and expected constraints of business. Read More

Low Maintenance Startups from the 4-Hour Workweek

Low Maintenance Startups from the 4-Hour Workweek - Avatar Posted by Small Business Tribe under Startups
From 4951 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbiztrends on December 12, 2010 4:08 am
If you've ever read the Tim Ferriss book "The 4-Hour Workweek," you're familiar with Tim's idea of the low maintenance business model. Here are some case studies from entrepreneurs who have taken Tim's advice and built low-maintenance small businesses of their own. Such business could be used to ge Read More
How is managing social media for your small business like planting the seeds, watering and weeding your garden? There are actually quite a few similarities all wrapped up in this post from the blog. Let's hope you'll have a green thumb while managing your social media brand. Read More
The DISC personality profiling system identifies four different networking styles that people roughly fit into. We’re all a mix of the four styles, but one style usually dominates. See if you can spot which style you are... Read More

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