Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As an angel investor who has considered hundreds of startup opportunities, the concept of a value proposition may be the most misunderstood and taken for granted element that I see in newly formed startups. While entrepreneurs freely throw around the term “value proposition,” they rarely offer a th Read More
As we’re approaching the end of the 2010 there are numerous developments with businesses using social media. I had predicted that brands will need to figure out how social fits into their overall brand strategy by identifying where the leverage is with social media and how to manage it.

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There are more than six steps to an effective tactical advertising campaign for small business but I will discuss the shortest route possible. As I write more posts, I will definitely be expounding on certain topics.

For this post, let us concentrate on how to plan a tactical advertising campai Read More
Making a good prospecting call is a lot like a good movie trailer. It need to have drama, facts and emotion to make the target want to see you to learn more. Read More
Would you save money working in the restaurant business for 10 years to start your own business by buying a restaurant that doesn’t go that well? Probably not, but Aaron Leischke is the entrepreneur who did just that. Aaron faced many obstacles due to his age when it came to financing his business, Read More
Dear Bloggers! There is a new Blogging Contest from my Dear Friend Brian from BlogEngage Dot Com. This is the second contest from BlogEngage Dot Com after the first one that is very successful contest. Read More
Blogging is about projecting your personality. When you write, try to let your blog reflect your "speech" rather than a formal piece of writing, unless of course you speak in a formal and structure way. Blogging should come naturally and show off you - the person. Read More
Project managers are responsible for ensuring successful project implementation. The project manager cannot leave the handover to operational support teams to chance and need to make sure they are involved as part of the project team. If things go wrong on day 1, everyone needs to know what to do t Read More

John Warrillow: Building a Business You Can Sell (Video)

John Warrillow: Building a Business You Can Sell (Video) - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Strategy
From 4947 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on December 14, 2010 4:00 am
Author and entrepreneur John Warrillow discusses how to build a business you can later sell in this series of videos and answers readers' questions. If starting a business or adapting an existing business to make it sell-able is ever something you have considered or wanted to do, these interviews h Read More
First off, this post is not about trying to game the system. It's about getting the most out of the relationships you're building on the Social Networks - in this case, Twitter. Read More

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