Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Part of your Google ranking depends on the speed in which your website loads.

Here is a simple Tutorial using a FREE but powerful software application to reduce the size of your graphics file without reducing the size of its dimensions on your screen. Read More
A Tax Consultant is a professional, whose job profile requires him to advise his clients on all aspects related to taxation, ranging from necessary tax returns to estate planning. This article gives you the reasons why you need a tax consultant. Read More
“5 Reasons Why Your Brand Name Can Make or Break Your Business”, one of my earlier posts this month was about getting your brand name right. In this post I Read More
Many businesses want to go global, neglecting local importance. Here are reasons why going local is as important to your business. Read More
I've got a serious deadline starring at me. I must write 75,000 brilliant words for my new book, Brand Turnarounds. All this is due to the publisher by May Read More
Learns more about retirement savings plans for your small business in this free Webcast Feb. 23 sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration. The webcast will be from 2 to 4 p.m. EST and cover options ranging from employee pensions to savings incentive match Read More

Does Too Much Business Regulation Hurt Employees?

Avatar Posted by Entrepreneurosaurus under Legal
From 4962 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on February 24, 2011 7:30 pm
Arguments from lawmakers often portray employees as victimized and in need of assistance as the reason for heavy amounts of labor and other regulations placed on business. While business owners frequently complain about the expense, the general perception may be that this is largely self-interest o Read More
If you will just learn how Santa Claus advertises to retain customers, you will never lose another customer for as long as you shall live. Think about it, countless of businesses have latched their campaign on this fictional guy even when we all know that he isn’t real and even when we know he isn’ Read More
One slick way to bring together online and offline marketing channels is with the use of PURLs (or “personalized URLs”). These individualized web experiences are a way for marketers to extend the personalization, segmentation and measurement inherent in direct digital marketing, addressable from, s Read More
So, now that you have the strategies for turning intentions into reality . . . how do you implement them? How do you go from good intent to actual steps? Take these 7 steps and you will get there. Truly.

1) Launch your intentions now. When you finish reading this article, take the first act Read More

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