Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The good news is you can stop yourself from being a control freak. I have worked with women who sincerely want to lessen their anxiety and attachment to control. Here are 7 things you can do to overcome being a control freak:

1. Keep your cool. Distance yourself from the situation you want to Read More
As a consumer, do you like being spoken to, or talked at? I’m guessing it’s the former. Imagine your brand’s social media presence is a car dealership. Is it a place where prospective buyers can take their time, browse without the pressure of a hard-sell, and get honest answers when they want them? Read More
Hope everyone in the BizSugar community will take the time to check out this Q&A with Cindy King, editor of the Social Media Examiner, on using Twitter for business. The Q&A took place via Facebook and features responses and discussion sparked by many questions posed by the online business communit Read More
Social media is a triple-edged sword of engagement, extending brand awareness, and improving your SEO. This blog post discusses three simple tips to help increase your presence through the use of social media. Read More
What is PCI?
Specifically, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) prohibits the storage of the full contents of any magnetic-stripe, CVV2 or PIN data. Storage of this type of data is in violation of (PCI DSS) and the card company operating regulations. It also provides securi Read More
I was reading a blog post the other day, it posed the question:  What's the worst objection?  There were a lot of interesting responses and amusing war Read More

How to Deal With Soaring Commodity Costs

Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Finance
From 4962 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on February 24, 2011 5:52 pm
Prices of many commodities, from cotton to corn, are on the rise. As a result, a slew of companies -- clothing retailers, industrial products manufacturers, paint distributors, etc. -- are feeling the pinch. Even the mighty McDonald’s Corp. recently indicated it might have to raise prices, thanks t Read More
Did you know that there is one thing that you can do that will have a significant impact on your sales? This one thing is 20 X's more effective than what most sales people do today. Read More
Everyone has questions about how to navigate through the channels of life, but not everyone knows where to get answers to those nagging questions … let alone answers that are free.

Karen Keller, Ph.D. is a Master Certified Coach, author and motivational speaker with more than 25 years of clini Read More
Here are some important facts and statistics about direct mail marketing. The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) released the 2010 Response Rate Trend Report with some important facts on the market’s response rate on direct mails, formats of direct mails being sent out, and the most effective direc Read More

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