Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Introvert's Guide to Leadership reviews 6 steps introverts must take to be successful leaders, and examines the difference between introverts and extraverts. Read More
When it comes to retaining and gaining customers online the formula for success can come down to four key elements: creditability, customer service, content and caring.It’s not rocket science, but still many companies who are actively using the web to sell their product or service could experience Read More
Sometimes making small changes in your business can be big.Today’s entrepreneurs seem to be hyper-focused on the home run; creating the next big thing. It may not have to be a big change to work.
Could one little tweak do the job? Read More
Why do reps miss their sales quotas? Two big reasons: Poor sales leadership and an uninspired compensation program. Read More
When you work with telecommuters, security can be an important issue. Because they aren’t on site, where you can check just what measures your employees are taking to keep files safe, it’s important to make sure that there are policies and tools in place to make sure that your material isn’t going Read More

Is Google +1 a Social Bookmarking Tool?

Avatar Posted by splatforms under Products and Services
From 4895 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on July 13, 2011 11:42 pm
Google’s code blog had an interesting post last month on +1′ing their API Docs in order to help programmers remember valuable information. It didn’t receive a lot of coverage – the +1 button hasn’t been placed on a lot of sites yet and the post was directed at people who code with Google’s API’s. Read More
How many Twitter followers have you got? Hundreds? Maybe thousands and how many are worthless? How many are just spam bots? Clean out your Twitter account, lose the losers with Twit Cleaner, it's easy. Read More
Douchebag? The author's word, not mine.

Here is a look at some of the behaviors and mindsets that might make you one... Read More
Beaming text messages and email offers to cell phones seems like a failsafe way to deliver your marketing messages. But getting those messages in front of your target customers is harder than it looks. Read More
There are a number of factors that can cause a web page to load slowly. One common culprit is the use of large image files, each of which can add precious seconds to overall page load time even if the user has a fast Internet connection. And if you run a blog, using too many widgets and plugins ca Read More

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