Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Web Analytics is a lot about Customers. It's also a lot about your employees and consultants, too.

If you spend a few hours a week looking at web analytics, you’re probably pretty familiar with determining which of your products and/or services are popular, and how to tell which of your ads or m Read More
After two years of blogging I’ve come to realize that three factors have played a critical role in my blogging success as well as my personal growth and development. First let me say that each of us has our own set Read More
If you read the product offering descriptions on, you are in for a big surprise, because the company breaks nearly all the rules of copywriting. The copy is not brief or tightly focused on the company’s unique selling proposition. Groupon’s copy is rambling and different.
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If you are interested in working at home and taking that leap from employee to entrepreneur, here are Startup Entrepreneur Success Stories for inspiration. Read More

Groupon’s first ever car deal was a flop

Groupon’s first ever car deal was a flop - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From 4729 days ago
Made Hot by: businessavante on July 20, 2011 8:40 pm
Not everyone’s a winner in the Groupon arena. Last week, the online coupon giant launched its first effort to get into big-ticket retail, with a $500 voucher toward a new car sale at a Michigan dealership. Read More
With the rise of the mobile internet it has become essential to offer a smartphone-friendly website. But do website builders like Weebly, Jimdo, Wix or Webs pass the test? Read More
When an executive grapples with social media marketing, he or she might feel a lot like I do when taking my car to the mechanic. There’s a lot I don’t know; there’s a lot I don’t want to know. I’m not sure of the accuracy of what I’m being told, and I question the motives of the person who’s tellin Read More

How Social Media Impacts Search Rank

How Social Media Impacts Search Rank - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Social Media
From 4731 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on July 20, 2011 9:02 pm
In the interview Stacy explains:
* How social media has changed the search landscape
* Google Plus and what marketers think about it’s chance for success
* How businesses can improve the SEO value of their facebook page
* How businesses can get more marketing value with their use of twitter
* Read More
These days, your online Internet reputation is your reputation. Of course, having no reputation is usually better than a bad one, but don’t wait for someone else to establish a good one for you. It’s time for every business and business person to proactively create a positive presence, before someo Read More
Online presentation sites are a great way to promote your website or blog. Here is a how to on using presentations sites to drive website traffic. Read More

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