Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many entrepreneurs still dream of “going public,” making billions of dollars, and playing with the big boys. They don’t realize that this option would likely be their worst nightmare, since it costs millions for the road show, usually dilutes your equity to a tiny fraction, and takes away all your Read More
Attracting customers, retaining them, building customer loyalty and brand image are important goals for every business no matter how big or small. For a small business achieving these goals is a little more challenging simply because it does not have the financial resources that a big business has Read More

Any dolt can solve an easy problem

Any dolt can solve an easy problem  - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4739 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on July 5, 2011 11:53 pm
If, as a sales pro, you're solving only the easy problems, YOU have a problem. Top execs are working on the toughest of issues. Shouldn't that be your focus as well? Solve the tough problem! Read More
With hundreds of millions of websites on the Internet producing billions of pages of content, it is getting harder to capture the eyeballs of interested readers. Much like the glut of advertising clamoring for the attention of potential customers, there has to be a clear plan of attack when it come Read More
To prevent from being tricked by these viruses, you can help yourself by knowing about them and how to avoid them. Sometimes these viruses are very deceptive and look like any other link on Facebook. This is how knowing can prevent disaster – once you know about it, you will avoid it. Read More
Yes, it's true, Google has finally proved to be a real social media force to be reckoned with and Facebook's finally got some real competition on it's hands. Have you tried Google +? It's awesome good and this is just the beginning... Read More
Learn how to easily install Wordpress on cPanel and Fantastico De Luxe. I'll take you step-by-step through the process in this tutorial video. Read More
“Your job as a marketer… is to be relevant enough to get people to make a decision about you… one way or another. The purpose of good marketing is to get people to make a decision about you… to be a fork in the road.” Read More
The very first thing that takes place is you form an opinion about that blog. You decide whether you like it or not and that decision will influence the actions you’ll be taking (or not taking) as you stay on the blog. Read More
Social Media - Facebook, the fourth largest Web property in the US, attracted some 157.2 million visitors in May 2011, an all-time high and a gain of 3.2 million visitors over the previous ... Read More

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