Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is essential to have the right marketing strategies in place to grow your business. Then it is a matter of selecting the marketing tactics to support the strategies. Here is a simple way to make sure you select the right marketing tactics that align with your strategic focus. Read More
I asked some marketers to send me their entertaining stuff and made it clear I’m not looking for the next Super Bowl commercial, but something that entertains on a small biz budget. Read More
Many entrepreneurs face challenges getting programming done. To protect yourself, work out your business plan then engage a programmer. Read More
Discover how to increase the value and relevance of your content marketing to increase sales and readership in this list of well-kept secret blog tricks. Read More
While WordPress is a great blog and website platform, between plugin compatibility issues, theme updates and more, there just might be six million things that could go wrong. But for now, let’s just focus on six main WordPress issues. Read More
Who knew 140 characters could have such an effect on your bottom line?

How Twitter can become a powerful business tool by using promoted tweets, dashboard tracking and social analytics... Read More
What could be the reasons that someone is not updating their blog regularly?

I’ve asked this question myself several times. I see several blogs that are started with so much enthusiasm and then the passion fades off. And those blogs sit there un-updated for quite a while.

Here are some reason Read More

52 Methods: How to Get Your Tweets Retweeted

52 Methods: How to Get Your Tweets Retweeted - Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Social Media
From 3991 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on July 31, 2013 9:22 am
Twitter. You’ve setup your Twitter business handle. You’ve got Followers. You tweet. So, why aren’t your tweets getting retweeted?

You want more engagement in your social media efforts. On Twitter, this includes getting retweets. A retweet extends the reach of your updates. When someone shares y Read More

How a Self-Published Book Can Increase Your Business Success

How a Self-Published Book Can Increase Your Business Success - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Products and Services
From 3996 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on July 26, 2013 8:31 pm
Why would an entrepreneur want to publish a book? Because this book, for your business, can work magic. It opens doors and confers instant credibility. It increases sales and even the price you can charge. Read More

Clever marketing. SEO jailbait.

Clever marketing. SEO jailbait. - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 3996 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on July 26, 2013 9:05 pm
Google operates its own type of jail: keeping websites out of its rankings if certain “rules” have been violated. Jailbait is simply those things a webmaster would do to promote his website that appear to make sense, that seem like they should pose no problem, but can land a website in jail anyway Read More

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