Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Chuck Reed of MEI facilitates a panel of five outstanding vending operators. Great discussion and questions from the audience. Read More

6 Reasons Why Online Reputation Matters

6 Reasons Why Online Reputation Matters - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Public Relations
From 4042 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on June 12, 2013 1:40 am
It often only takes a couple of negative reviews or comments for a consumer to start looking elsewhere. This common social behavior means small businesses need to proactively monitor their online presence. Read More
Thinking about opening up a business and need some guidance? Or do you already own a business and are just looking for some help or ideas?

In this very short post, we’re going to introduce you to two great “how-to” resources for new entrepreneurs and existing small business owners. Read More

Can Your Business Go Global?

Can Your Business Go Global?  - Avatar Posted by Maria Haubrich under Strategy
From 4042 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 17, 2013 5:03 am
For many U.S. small to mid-sized businesses, 2013 could be the year for global expansion. The uneven economic recovery and the administration’s focus on doubling exports by 2014 (National Export Initiative) means greater business opportunities in international markets, such as Brazil, Russia, India Read More

3 Ways To Predict Consumer Desires

3 Ways To Predict Consumer Desires - Avatar Posted by Debra Kaye under Marketing
From 4042 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on June 14, 2013 12:43 pm
Understanding your customer is critical to your business. But what may surprise you is that there is a lot you can do on your own without the need for expensive research. You and all members of your team can develop skills to find out how consumers truly engage with your business and why they go ba Read More

Building a Marketing Flywheel - Whiteboard Friday - Moz

Building a Marketing Flywheel - Whiteboard Friday - Moz - Avatar Posted by crom84 under Marketing
From 4042 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on June 14, 2013 11:23 pm
By building up quality content and visitor loyalty on your website, you're adding energy to a marketing flywheel. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares insights on how to add energy and when to release it Read More

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Finance
From 4042 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on June 12, 2013 11:22 pm
Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and it’s probably one the most common questions I get emailed about: How can I get started without a lot of cash? Read More

How to Sell Excess Inventory Quickly without Marking it Down

How to Sell Excess Inventory Quickly without Marking it Down  - Avatar Posted by AngelBiz under Sales
From 4043 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 14, 2013 10:21 am
Most small businesses lose money in trying to sell excess inventory by marking it down. This article shows other inventory liquidation techniques without having to sell at discount. Read More
By John Abrena

The Internet serves billions of users all over the world, it has given birth to a whole new world of possibilities. Gone are the days where we need to communicate using hard phones or snail mail. Researching inside a library packed with real books is almost a thing of the past.
Read More
A recent study by VitalSmarts shows that social media nowadays is becoming more and more anti-social. If you take a closer look at what’s happening on Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other major social networks today, you won’t be surprised at the findings.

Truth be told, many people, especiall Read More

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