Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ever since Google introduced Google Maps, Mike Blumenthal was there to study its impact on small business. He is one of the world’s top experts on Google Local Plus (Places), a blogger at “Understanding Google Maps and Local Search, founder at LocalU and an all around good guy. Read More

Your Productivity Can Choke On Information Overload

Your Productivity Can Choke On Information Overload - Avatar Posted by janesheeba under Self-Development
From 4046 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on June 10, 2013 8:45 am
Information overload is a silent hacker. It can take a lot of time just paralyzing you leaving you with a lot of choices and chaos. Read More
Sometimes it is noticing the little things that can attract customers. When you focus on unmet needs of customers it can lead to new products or services. Here is one example meeting unmet needs to attract customers. Read More
Signs are a wonderful invention that have helped civilization throughout the ages. Signs can tell us where we can go, where we can’t go, and what we can do when we get there. They can provide information, direction, and even entice us to do something we had not originally set out to do in the first Read More
These days everyone has turned their attention to the importance of building a loyal and engaged list of email subscribers. If you’re keeping up with this trend you know that email is the most effective and “tried and true” method.. Read More
I put together a list of questions for Matt Cutts matt-cuttsthat he hasn’t answered before and have YOU vote on the ones worth submitting to him for a video response. Take the poll… Read More
Being active in social media is one key to business success online. But is business blogging really a part of that key? Or is it just a waste of time? Read More
Cold copy is one of the cardinal sins any copying service can commit – it’s copy that does its job, but only just. Copy that creates a little interest, but is eclipsed by other content – often on competitor's blogs. Read More

This is Not a Rant

This is Not a Rant  - Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Self-Development
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: tallpoppy100K on June 8, 2013 1:57 am
Right now, it’s 12:45 pm. I guestimate I’ve got at least another 10 minutes before my espresso-soaked crotch dries itself out. In an attempt to pass the time, I’ve been running through the events of the past 12 hours in my head, looking for the elusive silver lining. Read More

A Fiverr Frankenstein That Works

A Fiverr Frankenstein That Works - Avatar Posted by janesheeba under Online Marketing
From 4054 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on June 2, 2013 3:32 pm
Fiverr is that place where you can hire people to do just about anything small for five dollars. Here are the gigs you might want to combine to a similar type of video for your website. Read More

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