Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you the slightest bit interested in learning how to build relationships through blogging? The Engagement Superstar is sharing what she knows. Read More

A contract and a murder, and this is not even fiction

A contract and a murder, and this is not even fiction  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Self-Development
From 3929 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on September 30, 2013 6:58 pm
You see how proofreading can save a person from more than just being caught in an endless loop geography test. It could even save you from murder. Read More

Four Old-School Ways to Thrive in any Economy

Four Old-School Ways to Thrive in any Economy  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Strategy
From 3929 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on October 1, 2013 7:33 am
So, how’s the economic meltdown been treating you? Excited about the opportunities, or sick to your stomach worrying about how your bills will get paid? Read More

The New SEO – Independence From Google

The New SEO – Independence From Google - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Advertising
From 3940 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on September 18, 2013 10:34 am
Google is all over that. They watch for changes on a site right after a rankings drop that indicate the company has a “every day I’m hustlin” SEO approach. When G finds this to be the case, I’ll bet you can guess what they do about it.
Read More

20+ Ways To Promote Your Blog Post

20+ Ways To Promote Your Blog Post - Avatar Posted by Sylviane under Online Marketing
From 3940 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on September 20, 2013 8:57 am
This is how I promote the heck of my blog posts. 20+ ways to do it for each post. Want to know what they are? Keep reading. Read More
You need to keep your Facebook fans interacting with your page to keep your Edgerank high. In this post, I show you 3 techniques to help your Edgerank stay at the top... Read More
Have you ever considered that your fiercest competition can be sources of inspiration to get new customers? If you haven’t, they can be. And it has nothing to do with copying them or doing the same thing. It has everything to do with simplicity that benefits your business and customers. Read More

How To Write A Popular Blog Post In 6 Steps

How To Write A Popular Blog Post In 6 Steps  - Avatar Posted by GenuineSEOnet under Online Marketing
From 3947 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on September 13, 2013 12:55 am
Not very long ago I wrote a post on Writing A Blog Post In Record Time and something of a follow up on Writing An Epic Article Read More
With all those screens open at once, you may find that your brain starts to struggle to switch between all those different tasks without your losing concentration. The solution is to spend some time actively training your ability to multitask and switch your focus/attention. Read More
Fascinating post that examines marketing as content. So are HR manuals, social media policies, annual reports, analyst reports, research studies, customer evaluations, product reviews, employee testimonials, customer testimonials, videos from conferences, CEO blogs, tweets, updates and check-ins. Read More

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