Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Adding photos to your Google Local Business Listing is key... or Google might add stock photos, or photos of your competitor. Read More
Claiming your Google Local Business Listing is a critical first step in getting your local business found online.
Here’s why: Read More
Every local business agrees referrals generate leads and build customer loyalty.

But, how many local businesses have a referral system?

Most businesses earn referrals, generate leads, and build customer loyalty quite by accident.

Here, John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing talks about how to create referral systems in your business. Read More
WordPress 2.9 has been released. You can upgrade easily from your Dashboard by going to Tools > Upgrade, or you can download from WordPress.org. It requires MySQL 4.1.2 or greater. There are really some coolest new features are included to help the users. Read More
As a small business owner we are often required to be a jack-of-all trades. And, seeing as how there are not too many degrees to that effect, it is often through a combination of entrepreneurial intuition, diligent research and experience from school of hard knocks that we learn to run a business successfully. Read More
10 Ways to Make Your Web Site Answer Customer Phone Calls As a small business, it’s important to have contact with your customers. But some phone calls could easily be handled by your Web site--saving time for you and your customers. Here are 10 ideas for how to tweak your Web site to handle some routine calls. Read More
Many pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers are wondering what trends they can expect to see in 2010. Check out these five trends. Read More
Google and Facebook both announced link shortening services this week – Google’s – goog.gl and Facebook’s fb.me (mostly used in twitter and mobile shares, but fb.me/ducttapemarketing takes you to my Fan page.)

your own urls Link shorteners have been around for years, but they are certainly getting hot right now it appears. Read More
The above podcast is an interview I conducted with OPEN Mic, hosted by Monocle editor Tyler Brûlé, as part of a social media special. Guests also include Adam Ostrow of Mashable and several very interesting small businesses from around the world. Read More
There are many amazing products for business are very inexpensive or often completely free. Here are my top 5 business tools of 2009..... Read More

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