Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I’m sure everybody has come across the above lyrics when they’re surfing the Web at some point of their live. The term for it is called ‘Rickrolling’; an Internet meme typically involving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song “Never Gonna Give You Up”. Read More

How to Design an Effective Business Marketing Plan

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Online Marketing
From http://website101.com 5231 days ago
Made Hot by: lovedthisarticle! on June 7, 2010 12:14 pm
Marketing describes a variety of different actions and materials that a company uses to attract customers. Including logos, business cards, letterhead, brochures, websites etc.. tradeshows, networking, conferences, events & cold calling, call center activit Read More
Have you ever badmouthed your competition? Here are 4 rules to remember so that you keep a positive attitude towards your competition. Read More

Social Media Blues

Avatar Posted by pathenry123 under Social Media
From http://smallbusinesscommunity.blogspot.com 5231 days ago
Made Hot by: JanetG on June 4, 2010 4:52 pm
It's been really difficult to find time to blog for the last few weeks, and I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better. I'm taking a couple of evening classes that have turned out to be more time consuming than I expected, plus I've taken on a slightly larger role at work. Add in a little time for exercise (including the mountain bike I bought recently), and a very little time for relaxation, and I'm spent! I definitely enjoy blogging, especially when inspiration strikes, but lately it seems like I've been rushing through it so I can move on to the many other things I need to accomplish.. Read More

Keeping the Honeymoon Period Alive

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Customer Service
From http://bloggertone.com 5231 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on June 4, 2010 2:28 pm
It struck me how similar customer relationships are to a marriage. Initially, there's the wedding - that exciting part when you land the contract and everyone is full of energy, anticipation and eagerness to please Read More
It was recently announced by GetJar; the world’s largest cross platform app store, that the web and mobile messaging service provided eBuddy has surpassed the 50 million download marks for its eBuddy Mobile Messenger app. At the time of writing this article, the number shown stands at 50,655,934 downloads up to date. Read More
We're seeing from sources that the massive financial reform package passed recently by the U.S. Senate will not negatively impact investment in the small business and entrepreneurship community. Time will tell. Tighter regulation might certainly tend to further tighten bank lending but perhaps this isn't the best source of business financing anyway ... Read More
Few things grate on me more than hearing my fellow SEOs talk about how easy local SEO is. There’s less competition! The competition isn’t SEO savvy! Keyword choices are limited! It’s a piece of cake, they say. That’s about as accurate as me saying that traditional SEO is a piece of cake. Sweeping generalizations are often wrong, and this shows why local SEO isn’t as easy as many think it is. Read More

6 Things Parenthood Taught Me About Social Media Marketing

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Social Media
From http://www.techipedia.com 5232 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 4, 2010 2:26 pm
Just last year, I became a mother for the first time. My son just turned one (time flies, doesn’t it?) and after being a full time mom and performing various social media marketing tasks throughout, I’ve learned that there are many parallels that can be taken from parenthood that also apply to social media marketing. Read More
There is so much rock and roll going on involving businesses running social media campaigns. However, there are not many social media rockstars. Their guitars vary. Some rock hard and some… not so hard. Some even have broken guitar strings. We don’t notice the size of their guitars though. What we notice is the kind of music they produce Read More

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