Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a business-to-business (B2B) professional, does the pervasive use of Twitter mystify you? Do you think of it solely as the domain of bored teenagers and Hollywood stars? I understand. I did, too, until I tried it — and now it's a vital component of my marketing strategy and business development. Here are 9 tips to help you understand why and how to use Twitter to your advantage Read More
Some people engaged in social media understand the ebb and flow, and value it; others clearly believe i Read More
There are 3 tips that you need to implement in your sales process to ensure that you will increase sales. Do you want to know what they are? Read More
I have been a solopreneur for 17 years, offering marketing, communications and coaching services. My focus is working with aspiring and new solopreneurs—I love their enthusiasm and their passion for learning. My advice is unique to each client, of course, but below are the 10 tips that I’ve probably given out the most in the past year Read More
CMOs have the highest turnover in the c-suite with the the average CMO lasting only 28 months. This tenure is far shorter than the 46 months of his colleagues. Only the CIO comes in at a distant 38 months.

This statistic seems blind to industry. So it’s safe to conclude that there is something structurally unsound about the CMO job. There are bars, or maybe a moat, around that job and we should learn to see them for our own sake.

And so, naturally, everyone has a theory Read More
When did you last have to read a report written by someone else? Did you enjoy doing so, or at least find it easy? What sort of impression did it leave of its topic and its writer? Did it prompt you to agree with its message or make you spring into action? Perhaps not. Too often reports are not well written. At best, a bad report causes annoyance; at worst, active hostility Read More

Short Term Thinking Can Harm Your Business

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5234 days ago
Made Hot by: suzi on June 1, 2010 5:18 pm
This leads you into the trap just working n projects and needing new customers to have a healthy business. It can also mean that you get swamped with work for a time and then nothing, so you need to attract more customers. If you change the way you think about your services and how you offer them you could be surprised at the additional solutions you can actually offer your customers.

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It was Peter de Vries who said: ‘I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork.’ You may be forgiven for thinking that report writing would be all very well but for the grisly process of deciding the message and getting it down on paper. Sometimes you feel you know what to say, but it is difficult to translate it from mind to paper. At others, it is the initial process of pulling tog Read More
After eight years of blogging, I have started a new business site for sole traders (sole proprietorship) with a publishing platform called Squarespace. I have used Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous and Wordpress during the years. You are welcome to follow my web journey as I am developing my new site Read More

Memorial Day

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From http://egoist.blogspot.com 5234 days ago
How do you commemorate Memorial Day? Read Gus Van Horn's post, A One Man Army. Related: My post, My Birthday on Memorial Day Read More

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